姓名/Name: 林雲萍 性別/Gender:
English Name:
Yun-Ping Lin 英文縮寫/
1.健康照護學院護理學系(副教授) / School of Nursing (Associate Professor)
2.中國附醫護理部(兼任督導) / Department of Nursing (Adjunt Nursing Supervisor)
Email: yunping@mail.cmu.edu.tw
研究專長/Fields of Specialty
1﹒ 社區健康與職業健康
2﹒ 健康促進與疾病預防
3﹒ 職場健康促進(靜態行為、身體活動與健康飲食)
4﹒ 長期照護
期刊論文/Journal Paper
SCI論文 林雅凰(Ya-Huang Lin)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*、劉紋妙(Wen-Miao Liu)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,Comparison of four screening methods for sarcopenia among community-dwelling older adults: A diagnostic accuracy study,Geriatric Nursing,2023 Jan,46():157-163
SSCI論文 馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)、葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh)、何雅芳(HO YA-FANG)、常善媚(Chang, Shan-Mei)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,The exploration of a screen model for detecting undergraduates at higher risk for developing psychosis: A cross-sectional study in a medical university,PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHIATRIC CARE,2022 Oct,58(4):1372-1380
SCI論文 王美純(Mei-Chun Wang)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,Validation of Screening Tools for Predicting the Risk of Functional Decline in Hospitalized Elderly Patients,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022 Jun,19(11):1-9
SCI論文 蕭碧紅(Bi-Hung Hsiao)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,Impact of an Educational Program on Improving Nurses’ Management of Fever: An Experimental Study,Healthcare,2022 Jun,10(6):1-12
Other論文 張彩秀(Tsai-Hsiu Chang)、劉筱茜(Hsiao-Chien Liou)、李玲玲(Ling-Ling Lee)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、謝美慧(Mei-Hui Hsieh)、李逸(I Lee)、劉影梅(Yiing-Mei Liou)、陳靜敏(Ching-Min Chen)、王秀紅(Hsiu-Hung Wang)、蔡秀敏(Hsiu-Min Tsai)*,台灣公共衛生護理人員前瞻性專業能力省思,護理雜誌,2022 Apr,69(2):89-96
SCI論文 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)*、邱艷芬(Yann-Fen Chao)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、王小喬(Hsioao-Chiao Wang),Effectiveness of Self-administered Acupressure for Family Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patient With Insomnia-A Randomized Controlled Trail,CANCER NURSING,2022 Jan,45(1):1-9
SCI論文 李國箴(Lee, Kwo-Chen)、(Hsieh, Ya-Ling)、(Lin, Pi-Chu)、林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)*,Sleep Pattern and Predictors of Sleep Disturbance Among Family Caregivers of Terminal Ill Patients With Cancer in Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study,American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine,2018 Aug,35(8):1109-1117
SCI論文 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、許萱(Wen-Hsuan Hsu)、周伯翰(CHOU PO-HAN)、(Jia-Jean Yiin)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)*,Estimating the survival of elderly patients diagnosed with dementia in Taiwan: A longitudinal study,PLoS One,2018 Jul,13(7):1-12
SCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)、(OiSaeng Hong)、(Chiu-Chu Lin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、(Meei-Maan Chen)、李國箴(Lee, Kwo-Chen)*,A “sit Less, walk More” Workplace Intervention for Office Workers Long-Term Efficacy of a Quasi-Experimental Study,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE,2018 Jun,60(6):e290-e299
SCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)、林秋菊(Chiu-Chu Lin)、陳美滿(Meei-Maan Chen)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)*,Short-Term Efficacy of A ‘Sit Less, Walk More’ Workplace Intervention on Improving Cardiometabolic Health and Work Productivity in Office Workers,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE,2017 Mar,59(3):327-334
SSCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)*、(McCullagh, Marjorie C.)、(Kao, Tsui-Sui)、(Larson, Janet L.),An Integrative Review: Work Environment Factors Associated With Physical Activity Among White-Collar Workers,WESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH,2014 Feb,36(2):262-283
SCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)*、(Kao, Tsui-Sui Annie)、(McCullagh, Marjorie C.)、(Edington, Dee W.)、(Larson, Janet L.),Work Environment and Psychosocial Factors Affecting Physical Activity Among Taiwanese Information Technology Professionals A Structural Equation Modeling Approach,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE,2012 Sep,54(9):1092-1100
SCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)*、(Kao, Tsui-Sui Annie)、(McCullagh, Marjorie C.)、(Edington, Dee W.)、(Larson, Janet L.),Translation and psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Perceived Workplace Environment Scale in Taiwanese information technology professionals,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH,2012 Jul,54(3):223-231
SCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)*、(Hong, OiSaeng)、張媚(Mei Chang Yeh),Occupational health nursing practice, education, and research in Taiwan,AAOHN JOURNAL,2008 Apr,56(4):151-158
研討會論文/Conference Papers
1﹒ 顳動脈測溫計用於發燒檢測之診斷精確性:系統性文獻回顧和統合分析,台灣護理學會第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
2﹒ Effects of Chair-Based Exercises on Functional Fitness Among Older Adults Receiving Long-Term Care Services: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學水湳校本部,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
3﹒ Health Economic Evaluations of Mobile Health Interventions to Improve Diet, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Among Workers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學水湳校本部,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
4﹒ Predictors of Resilience among Family Caregivers of Patients with End-of-Life Cancer,18th World Congress of the EAPC 2023,Rotterdam, the Netherlands,2023.6.15 ~ 2023.6.17,
5﹒ Short-term efficacy of a mobile health intervention in Taiwan,2022 Health Policy Conference,Marriott Marquis in Washington,2022.10.27 ~ 2022.10.29,
6﹒ The effects of cinnamon intervention on primary dysmenorrhea in female college students,Sigma's 33rd International Nursing Research Congress,Virtual in Edinburgh, Scotland,2022.8.3 ~ 2022.8.5,
7﹒ ,The CMU-UMakati Joint Symposium,Webex視訊會議 at Stanford Conference Room, China Medical University,2022.7.1 ~ 2022.7.1,Development and process evaluation of a mobile technology-based tailored health promotion program for sedentary workers
8﹒ ,2022職業衛生暨職業醫學與護理國際學術研討會 (2022 International Conference on Occupational Health, Occupational Medicine, and Occupational Health Nursing),國立成功大學光復校區,2022.4.22 ~ 2022.4.24,Development and Process Evaluation of a Mobile Health Intervention to Improve Diet, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
9﹒ Applied "Situated and Cooperative Learning" to Improve the Learning in the Care of People With Disabilities,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference,Taipei,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
10﹒ Development and Pretesting of a New mHealth Web App for Physical Activity, Sedentary and Dietary Behavior Change,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference,Taipei,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
11﹒ Development and Pretesting of a New mHealth Web App for Physical Activity, Sedentary and Dietary Behavior Change,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference Endorsed by the ICN,Taipei International Convention Center,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
12﹒ Factors Influencing Rehabilitation Participation in Patients with Acute Stroke,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference Endorsed by the ICN,Taipei International Convention Center,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
13﹒ Gender Differences in the Predictors of Physical Activity Among University Students,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference Endorsed by the ICN,Taipei International Convention Center,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
14﹒ Development of a Web App of Simple Health for Physical Activity, Sedentary and Dietary Behavior Change,2019 AAPINA & TWNA Joint International Conference暨第卅五次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流,台中金典酒店,2019.8.16 ~ 2019.8.17,
15﹒ Factors Affecting Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study,Sigma's 30th International Nursing Research Congress,Calgary, Alberta, Canada,2019.7.25 ~ 2019.7.29,
16﹒ Process Evaluation of a Multi-Component “Sit Less, Walk More” Workplace Intervention for Office Workers,Sigma's 30th International Nursing Research Congress,Calgary, Alberta, Canada,2019.7.25 ~ 2019.7.29,
17﹒ Prevalence of Dengue Outbreak and Its Risk Factor: A Systematic Review,2018 NHRI / IBMS Joint International Conference on Inflammation & Disease,Miaoli County, Taiwan,2018.10.31 ~ 2018.11.2,
18﹒ ,第二屆"京港澳台"人口老齡化專題夏令營,北京大學,2018.7.2 ~ 2018.7.15,台灣長期照護政策演變與發展
19﹒ Effect of a ‘Sit Less, Walk More’ Workplace Intervention on Cardiometabolic and Work Productivity Outcomes in Office Workers: 12-Month Follow-Up Results,ACOH 2017 The 22nd Asian Conference on Occupational Health,高雄醫學大學國際會議中心,2017.4.27 ~ 2017.4.30,
20﹒ ,106年南區健康職場工作坊-聯合場次,國立臺南護理專科學校,2017.3.22 ~ 2017.3.22,職場【少坐多站 每日萬步】介入方案之經驗分享
21﹒ ,2016『居家、社區及機構式長期照護』國際研討會,亞洲大學,2016.11.4 ~ 2016.11.5,
22﹒ 探討職場身體活動介入方案改善靜態工作者的心血管代謝健康及生產力,第卅十二次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流,中山醫學大學醫學院,2016.9.2 ~ 2016.9.2,
23﹒ 社區健走方案對改善社區民眾身體組成之成效,第卅十二次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流,中山醫學大學,2016.9.2 ~ 2016.9.2,
24﹒ Effects of A Workplace Environmental Intervention on Improving Physical Activity, Prolonged Sitting, Cardiometabolic Health and Productivity in Sedentary Workers: A Pilot Study,2016 AAOHN National Conference,Jacksonville, FL, U.S.A.,2016.4.11 ~ 2016.4.14,
25﹒ Workplace Environmental Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Reduce Sitting: A Focus Group Study,2015 International Conference on Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine,Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2015.4.25 ~ 2015.4.26,
26﹒ ,104年新進公共衛生護理人員全能探索躍進研習,台灣台中市,2015.4.17 ~ 2015.4.17,【咖啡桌活動】公共衛生護理專業的反思(我對公共衛生護理工作的承諾)
27﹒ ,103年度從事勞工健康服務護理人員進階研習會,台灣台北,2014.10.17 ~ 2014.10.17,
28﹒ Competencies for Occupational Health Nurses in Taiwan,The Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference,The Grand Hotel, Taipei,2014.9.11 ~ 2014.9.13,
29﹒ ,103年度勞工健康服務護理實務研習會,台灣台中,2014.7.4 ~ 2014.7.4,
30﹒ ,職業衛生護理國際研討會:工作者健康-從實務到專業(Health for All Workers–From Practice to Profession),台灣台北,2014.4.25 ~ 2014.4.25,Effective Case Management: Role of Occupational and Environmental Health Nurses (Speaker: Lucy Carlson)
31﹒ ,職業衛生護理人員專業職能探討座談會(台北),台灣台北,2014.4.9 ~ 2014.4.9,職業衛生護理人員專業職能進階規劃介紹
32﹒ ,職業衛生護理人員專業職能探討座談會(台中),台灣台中,2014.4.13 ~ 2014.4.13,職業衛生護理人員專業職能進階規劃介紹
33﹒ ,職業衛生護理人員專業職能探討座談會(高雄),台灣高雄,2014.4.17 ~ 2014.4.17,職業衛生護理人員專業職能進階規劃介紹
34﹒ ,102 年度勞工健康服務護理實務研習會(台中),台灣台中,2013.11.13 ~ 2013.11.13,讓策略從紙上作業成為成功案例
35﹒ An investigation of quality of sleep in individuals with osteoarthritis in Taiwan,台灣護理學會第廿九次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流,中國醫藥大學,2013.8.30 ~ 2013.8.30,
36﹒ ,糖尿病照護實證研究系列-創意團衛成果發表,台灣台中,2013.5.19 ~ 2013.5.19,糖尿病衛教成果海報發表之案例演練與討論
37﹒ ,2013年工業衛生暨環境職業醫學國際學術研討會,台灣台北,2013.4.27 ~ 2013.4.28,Workplace Violence Prevention: Policy and Programs (Speaker: Dr. Jane Lipscomb)
38﹒ ,護理研究成果暨護理創新競賽發表會,台灣台中,2012.12.27 ~ 2012.12.27,
39﹒ Influence of work environment and psychosocial factors on physical activity in information technology professionals,2012 International Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine,Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2012.4.28 ~ 2012.4.29,
40﹒ Work environment and psychosocial factors that affect physical activity in Taiwanese information technology professionals,The 27th Nursing Research Conference of the Taiwan Nurses Association,Taipei, Taiwan,2011.9.2 ~ 2011.9.2,
41﹒ Work environment and psychosocial factors affecting physical activity among information technology professionals,Annual Meeting of the Midwest Nursing Research Society,Columbus, OH, USA,2011.3.24 ~ 2011.3.27,
42﹒ Work environment and psychosocial factors affecting physical activity among workers: A review of the literature,EPICOH-Medichem 2010: Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology,Taipei, Taiwan,2010.4.21 ~ 2010.4.24,
43﹒ Gender and body mass index related differences in predictors of physical activity among white collar workers,Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Seattle, WA, USA,2009.5.27 ~ 2009.5.30,
44﹒ Factors that influence physical activity across sex and weight status among white-collar workers,Dean’s Lecture and Research Day: Building Translation Science with Interdisciplinary Research,Ann Arbor, MI, USA,2009.4.15 ~ 2009.4.15,
45﹒ Contributors to calcium intake, physical activity and bone mineral density among Taiwanese premenopausal female workers,2008 International Conference: Healthy People for a Healthy World,Bangkok, Thailand,2008.6.25 ~ 2008.6.27,
46﹒ Promoting worker health: Determinants of calcium intake, physical activity and bone mineral density among Taiwanese premenopausal women,XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work,Seoul, Korea,2008.6.29 ~ 2008.7.2,
47﹒ Predictors of the osteoporosis preventive behaviors and bone mineral density among Asian premenopausal female workers: An empirical study in Taiwan,The annual meeting of the Midwest Nursing Research Society,Indianapolis, IN, USA,2008.3.28 ~ 2008.3.31,
1﹒ 林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*、黃璉華(Lian-Hua Huang)、顔妙芬(Miaofen Yen)、江惠英(Huei-Ying Jiang)、胡文郁(Wen-Yu Hu)、林綉珠(Shou-Ju Lin),臺灣護理人力發展之前瞻策略規畫,國家衛生研究院,2022.1
研究計畫/Research Grant
1﹒ 個別型,CMU112-TC-06,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),長者活力體能訓練方案 (VIVIFRAIL) 介入對長照機構不同衰弱程度住民功能能力之影響,$220000,2023.11.14 ~ 2024.7.31
2﹒ 個別型,食物和營養識能介入方案對成年人飲食行為之影響,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),食物和營養識能介入方案對成年人飲食行為之影響,$35000,2023.8.1 ~ 2024.2.29
3﹒ 學生參與計畫,112-2813-C-039-164-B,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),國科會,食物和營養識能介入方案對成年人飲食行為之影響,$48000,2023.7.1 ~ 2024.2.29
4﹒ 個別型,CMU110-TC-06,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),顳動脈測溫計用於社區居民發燒篩檢的準確度和精確度:系統性文獻查證和統合分析,$200000,2022.10.26 ~ 2023.7.31
5﹒ 個別型,CMU110-S-10,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),本校(含附醫),行動健康介入對改善工作者飲食、身體活動及靜態行為之健康經濟評估:系統性文獻回顧暨統合分析,$260000,2021.10.26 ~ 2022.7.31
6﹒ 個別型,MOST 110-2314-B-039-035,李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee),林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、辜美安(Malcolm Koo),國科會,探討以心理韌性理論發展照顧者支持平台對癌症病人照顧者的照顧負荷和生活品質之效益,$670000,2021.8.1 ~ 2022.7.31
7﹒ 學生參與計畫,CMU110-SR-109,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),網站健康飲食計畫對改善大學生飲食行為與身體組成之成效,$35000,2021.8.1 ~ 2022.2.28
8﹒ 學生參與計畫,110-2813-C-039-371-B,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),國科會,網站健康飲食計畫對改善大學生飲食行為與身體組成之成效,$48000,2021.7.1 ~ 2022.2.28
9﹒ 個別型,CMU109-MF-72,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),行動健康照護對改善靜態工作者飲食、身體活動及靜態行為之效應(第二年計畫),$300000,2020.9.8 ~ 2021.7.31
10﹒ 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-008-MY3,李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee),林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、謝嘉容(Hsieh, Vivian Chia-Rong),國科會,發展照顧者網路支持平臺:降低癌症病人照顧者負荷及成本效益之探討,$754000,2020.8.1 ~ 2022.7.31
11﹒ 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039-058-MY2,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、謝嘉容(Hsieh, Vivian Chia-Rong)、楊惠婷(Hui-Ting Yang),國科會,行動健康照護對改善靜態工作者飲食、身體活動及靜態行為之效應與成本效果,$1146000,2020.8.1 ~ 2022.7.31
12﹒ 學生參與計畫,CMU109-SR-108,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),肉桂介入對女大學生原發性痛經之成效,$35000,2020.8.1 ~ 2021.2.28
13﹒ 學生參與計畫,109-2813-C-039-113-B,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),國科會,肉桂介入對女大學生原發性痛經之成效,$48000,2020.7.1 ~ 2021.2.28
14﹒ 個別型,CMU108-MF-36,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),行動健康照護對改善靜態工作者飲食、身體活動及靜態行為之效應,$300000,2019.9.9 ~ 2020.7.31
15﹒ 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039-058-MY2,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)、楊惠婷(Hui-Ting Yang)、謝嘉容(Vivian Chia-Rong Hsieh),國科會,行動健康照護對改善靜態工作者飲食、身體活動及靜態行為之效應與成本效果,$1272000,2019.8.1 ~ 2020.7.31
16﹒ 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-008-MY3,李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee),林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、謝嘉容(Vivian Chia-Rong Hsieh),國科會,發展照顧者網路支持平臺:降低癌症病人照顧者負荷及成本效益之探討,$754000,2019.8.1 ~ 2020.7.31
17﹒ 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-010-,馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma),藍先元(Hsien-Yuan Lane)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping)、杜政昊(Tu, Cheng-Hao),國科會,建構針對台灣民眾之整合精神疾病高風險的適化精準篩檢工具,$550000,2018.8.1 ~ 2020.1.31
18﹒ 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-009-,林雲萍(Yun-Ping),廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、楊惠婷(Hui-Ting Yang),國科會,行動健康應用程式用於改善靜態工作者的飲食、身體活動和久坐行為之成效,$550000,2018.8.1 ~ 2019.7.31
19﹒ 個別型,MOST 106-2314-B-039-037-,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),楊惠婷(Yang, Hui-Ting)、廖玟君(Liao, Wen-Chun)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、李國箴(Lee, Kwo-Chen),國科會,行動健康方案的研發與評價:促進靜態工作者的身體活動與健康飲食,$1200000,2017.8.1 ~ 2018.12.31
20﹒ 學生參與計畫,CMU105-SR-29,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),本校(含附醫),小米步數挑戰計畫對改善體重過重大學生之身體活動、靜態行為及身體組成之成效,$35000,2016.8.1 ~ 2017.2.28
21﹒ 學生參與計畫,105-2815-C-039-030-B,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),國科會,小米步數挑戰計畫對改善體重過重大學生之身體活動、靜態行為及身體組成之成效,$48000,2016.7.1 ~ 2017.2.28
22﹒ 個別型,MOST 104-2314-B-039 -005 -MY2,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),林秋菊(Lin, Chiu-Chu),國科會,職場環境介入方案對改善靜態工作者之身體活動、久坐行為、心血管代謝健康與生產力之效應,$500000,2016.1.1 ~ 2016.12.31
23﹒ 個別型,MOST 104-2314-B-039 -005 -MY2,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),林秋菊(Lin, Chiu-Chu)、陳美滿(Chen, Meei-Maan),國科會,職場環境介入方案對改善靜態工作者之身體活動、久坐行為、心血管代謝健康與生產力之效應,$900000,2015.1.1 ~ 2015.12.31
24﹒ 個別型,CMU103-N-11,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),林秋菊(Lin, Chiu-Chu),本校(含附醫),職場環境介入方案對改善久坐工作者之身體活動、久坐、健康與生產力之效應:前驅研究,$250000,2014.11.1 ~ 2015.7.31
25﹒ 個別型,,陳美滿(Chen, Meei-Maan),林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),勞委會,勞工健康服務護理人員專業職能提升計畫,$2200000,2014.1.20 ~ 2014.12.25
26﹒ 個別型,CMU101-N2-01,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),林秋菊(Lin, Chiu-Chu)、陳美滿(Chen, Meei-Maan),本校(含附醫),職場環境介入措施以增加久坐工作者身體活動量及減少久坐時間:焦點團體研究,$192000,2013.8.1 ~ 2014.5.31
27﹒ 個別型,CMU101-N2-01,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),林秋菊(Lin, Chiu-Chu)、陳美滿(Chen, Meei-Maan),本校(含附醫),職場環境介入措施以增加久坐工作者身體活動量及減少久坐時間:焦點團體研究,$64000,2013.6.1 ~ 2013.7.31
28﹒ 個別型,,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),陳美滿(Chen, Meei-Maan),勞委會,勞工健康服務護理人員專業職能提升計畫,$1150000,2013.4.25 ~ 2013.12.31
1﹒ 2010 Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Rho Chapter Research Grant,Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, Rho Chapter,2010.04.01
2﹒ 2010 American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Foundation’s New Investigator Research Grant,American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Foundation,2010.03.09
3﹒ Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant,University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies,2010.03.25
4﹒ 2010 Midwest Nursing Research Society Dissertation Research Grant,Midwest Nursing Research Society,2010.02.01
5﹒ The Barbour Scholarship,University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies,2009.03.06
6﹒ 2009 Mentee Award for NCEMNA (National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations) National Conference,National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations,2008.11.29
7﹒ University of Michigan, Rackham International Conference Travel Grant,University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies,2008.03.12
8﹒ University of Michigan, Rackham International Student Fellowship,University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies,2007.11.19
9﹒ Graduate Student Research Assistantship funded through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),2007.01.04
10﹒ 88學年度行政院國家科學委員會 乙種研究獎勵,國科會,1999.12.01
11﹒ 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會 87年榮譽會員,中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會臺灣大學分會,1998.06.01