姓名/Name: 呂淑華 性別/Gender:
English Name:
Lu Shu Hua 英文縮寫/
1.健康照護學院護理學系(副教授) / School of Nursing (Associate Professor)
2.中國附醫護理部(兼任督導) / Department of Nursing (Adjunt Nursing Supervisor)
Email: shuhua@mail.cmu.edu.tw
研究專長/Fields of Specialty
1﹒ 成人護理
2﹒ 發燒研究
3﹒ 長期照護
期刊論文/Journal Paper
Other論文 陳佩芸(Pei-Yun Chen)、詹毓哲(Yu-Tse Tsan)、楊朝棟(Chao-Tung Yang)、李芸玫(Yun-Mei Lee)、陳麗麗(Li-Li Chen)、何文照(Ho,Wen-Chao)*、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,Prediction of risk of ischemic heart disease in first-diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus patients in taiwan: is air pollution exposure a risk factor?,BMC Rheumatology,2023 Jun,7(14):1-9
SCI論文 林雅凰(Ya-Huang Lin)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*、劉紋妙(Wen-Miao Liu)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,Comparison of four screening methods for sarcopenia among community-dwelling older adults: A diagnostic accuracy study,Geriatric Nursing,2023 Jan,46():157-163
Other論文 陳怡樺(Yi-Hua Chen)、趙玟瑄(Wen-Shiuan Chao)、樓美玲、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)*,居家護理師照護輕度及中度失智症之行動意義,精神衛生護理雜誌,2022 Aug,17(2):20-29
SCI論文 王美純(Mei-Chun Wang)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,Validation of Screening Tools for Predicting the Risk of Functional Decline in Hospitalized Elderly Patients,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022 Jun,19(11):1-9
SCI論文 蕭碧紅(Bi-Hung Hsiao)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,Impact of an Educational Program on Improving Nurses’ Management of Fever: An Experimental Study,Healthcare,2022 Jun,10(6):1-12
Other論文 呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、(Ya-Yun Chen)、(Jia-Jean Yiin)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)*,Caregiving burdens of family of advanced- and other-stage hepatocellular carcinoma patients,International Journal of Palliative Nursing,2022 Jan,28():
SSCI論文 郭青萍(Kuo, CP)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、黃建寧(Huang, CN)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)*、李孟智(Lee, MC)*,Sleep Quality and Associated Factors in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Retrospective Cohort Study,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2021 Mar,18(6):3025
Other論文 連雅雯(Lien, Ya-Wen)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,運用自我效能照護一位年輕型中風病患之護理經驗,榮總護理,2019 Jun,36(2):204-211
Other論文 王美純(Wang Mei-Chung)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,預測住院老人功能下降評估工具之介紹,台灣醫學,2019 May,23(3):384-391
Other論文 賴孟婕(Meng-Jie Lai)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,慢性腎病病人使用暫時性導管啟動長期透析之影響因素,榮總護理,2018 Sep,35(3):278-288
SCI論文 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)、(OiSaeng Hong)、(Chiu-Chu Lin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、(Meei-Maan Chen)、李國箴(Lee, Kwo-Chen)*,A “sit Less, walk More” Workplace Intervention for Office Workers Long-Term Efficacy of a Quasi-Experimental Study,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE,2018 Jun,60(6):e290-e299
SSCI論文 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、于博芮(Po-Jui Yu,)、戴玉慈(Yu-Tzu Dai)*,Fever presentation and associated factors in patients with healthcare-associated bacteremia,International Journal of Nursing Practice,2016 Jan,22(1):98-107
SSCI論文 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、尹家展(Jia-Jean Yiin)、林碧珠(Pi-Chu Lin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)*,Sleep disturbances and related factors among family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer,PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY,2015 Dec,24(12):1632-1638
SCI論文 戴玉慈(Dai,Yu-Tzu)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)*、陳宜君(Chen,Yee-Chun)、柯文哲(Ko,Wen-Je),Correlation between body temperature and survival rate in patients with hospital acquired bacteremia: A prospective observational study,Biological Research for Nursing,2015 Oct,17(5):469-477
SSCI論文 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、(Jia-Jean Yiin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、邱艷芬(Yann-Fen Chao)*,The burden of caregiving and sleep disturbance among family caregivers of advanced cancer patients,CANCER NURSING,2015 Jul,38(4):10-18
Other論文 廖永澄(Liao Yung Cheng)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)*,以實證探討鼻胃管灌食導致吸入性肺炎之預防措施,長期照護雜誌,2014 Sep,18(2):237-250
SSCI論文 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、陳宜君(Yee Chun Chen)、張玉坤(Yue Cune Chang)、嚴崇仁(Chung Jen Yen)、戴玉慈(Yu Tzu Dai)*,Effect of age on febrile response in patients with hospital-acquired bloodstream infection,Geriatric Nursing,2013 Oct,34(5):366-372
SCI論文 戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),What's missing for evidence-based fever management? Is fever beneficial or harmful to humans?,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES,2012 May,49(5):505-507
Other論文 (A. Renee Leasure)*、(Joan Stirlen)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Through Aspiration of Subglottic Secretions:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing,2012 Mar,31(2):102-117
Other論文 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,病歷回顧研究之方法學,台灣醫學,2010 Sep,14(5):583-587
SSCI論文 呂淑華、(Leasure, A.R.)、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,A systematic review of body temperature variations in older people.,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING,2010 Jan,19(1):4-16
SSCI論文 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、嚴崇仁(Yen, C.J.),The effects of measurement site and ambient temperature on body temperature values in healthy older adults: A method- comparison study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES,2009 Nov,46(11):1415-1422
SSCI論文 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,Normal body temperature and the effects of age, sex, ambient temperature and body mass index on normal oral temperature: a prospective, comparative study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES,2009 May,46(5):661-668
Other論文 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,老化對體溫調節及發燒反應的影響,台灣醫學,2006 Jan,10(1):123-128
Other論文 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、畢萬邦(Pi Wan Pang)、張金堅(Chang King Jen),冰枕及熱水足浴對術後發燒之效用,台灣醫學,2001 Mar,5(2):154-163
Other論文 戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、呂淑華、徐銘玉(Hsu Min Yu),醫療人員如何稱呼病患,醫學教育,2000 Sep,4(3):307-314
Other論文 呂淑華*、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu),發燒處置的迷思與省思,護理雜誌,2000 Jun,47(3):65-70
研討會論文/Conference Papers
1﹒ 顳動脈測溫計用於發燒檢測之診斷精確性:系統性文獻回顧和統合分析,台灣護理學會第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
2﹒ Effects of Chair-Based Exercises on Functional Fitness Among Older Adults Receiving Long-Term Care Services: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學水湳校本部,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
3﹒ Health Economic Evaluations of Mobile Health Interventions to Improve Diet, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Among Workers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學水湳校本部,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
4﹒ 影響醫護人員對於住院老年患者使用鼻胃管灌食決策之相關因素,第卅九次護理研究論文發表會,中國醫藥大學,2023.9.2 ~ 2023.9.2,
5﹒ Predictors of Resilience among Family Caregivers of Patients with End-of-Life Cancer,18th World Congress of the EAPC 2023,Rotterdam, the Netherlands,2023.6.15 ~ 2023.6.17,
6﹒ The effect of dysphagia nursing program on patients with acute stroke,The 7th International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science,Taipei,2022.10.18 ~ 2022.10.19,
7﹒ The Risk Effects of Air Pollution Exposures on Ischemic Heart Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Population,2022年公共衛生聯合年會,國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院,2022.10.14 ~ 2022.10.16,
8﹒ ,2022中亞聯大教學實踐研究與創新線上研討會,亞洲大學,2022.7.5 ~ 2022.7.5,
9﹒ ,2022職業衛生暨職業醫學與護理國際學術研討會 (2022 International Conference on Occupational Health, Occupational Medicine, and Occupational Health Nursing),國立成功大學光復校區,2022.4.22 ~ 2022.4.24,Development and Process Evaluation of a Mobile Health Intervention to Improve Diet, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
10﹒ Validation of the Screening Tools for Sarcopenia in Community-Dwelling Elderly,台灣護理學會第卅七次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流,台北,2021.10.3 ~ 2021.10.3,
11﹒ Applied "Situated and Cooperative Learning" to Improve the Learning in the Care of People With Disabilities,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference,Taipei,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
12﹒ Development and Pretesting of a New mHealth Web App for Physical Activity, Sedentary and Dietary Behavior Change,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference,Taipei,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
13﹒ The influences of residents’ depressioni n different types of long-term care facilities,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference,Taipei,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
14﹒ Development and Pretesting of a New mHealth Web App for Physical Activity, Sedentary and Dietary Behavior Change,2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference Endorsed by the ICN,Taipei International Convention Center,2020.9.9 ~ 2020.9.11,
15﹒ 應用”情境與合作學習”提升失能者照護學習成效,108年度「教育部教學實踐研究計畫成果交流會」,國立臺北教育大學,2020.8.26 ~ 2020.8.26,
16﹒ Validation of Instruments for Older Hospitalized Patients At Risk for Functional Decline,Sigma's 29th International Nursing Research Congress,Melbourne, Australia,2018.7.19 ~ 2018.7.23,
17﹒ Development of Tool for Early Detection of Infection in Nursing Home Residents: Preliminary Results,2016 GSA ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING,New Orleans, Louisiana,2016.11.16 ~ 2016.11.20,
18﹒ Correlation Between Body Temperature and Survival Rate in Patients with Hospital Acquired Bacteremia: A Prospective Observational Study,中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會護理研究成果暨護理創新競賽發表會,高雄市立大同醫院,2015.12.19 ~ 2015.12.19,
19﹒ The effects of an evidence based adult fever education programs on nurses’ knowledge and attitudes,The 8th ICN INP/APNN Conference the Scientific Committee,Helsinki, Finland,2014.8.18 ~ 2014.8.20,
20﹒ Current Concept and Management of Fever for Adult in Nurses,2013 Sigma Theta Tau International's 24th International Nursing Research Congress,Prague, Czech Republic.,2013.7.22 ~ 2013.7.26,
21﹒ A study on factors that affect the febrile response in patients with healthcare-associated bloodstream infection,2011 Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing, 41st Biennial Convention,Grapevine, Texas, USA.,2011.10.29 ~ 2011.11.2,
22﹒ The effect of aging on the febrile response of patients with nosocomial bloodstream infection.,2010 The American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting,Orlando, FL, USA.,2010.5.12 ~ 2010.5.15,
23﹒ 正常體溫和年齡、性別、環境溫度、身體質量指數對正常口溫的影響:前驅性、比較性研究,98年度全國護理研究成果發表會,台南:郭綜合醫院,2009.12.5 ~ 2009.12.5,
24﹒ Normal rectal, oral, ear-based and axillary temperature in the senior dwellers of nursing homes,The Gerontological Society of America,Atlanta, GA, USA.,2009.11.18 ~ 2009.11.22,
25﹒ 手術後發燒患者接受二種不同發燒處置對體溫、脈搏、呼吸、血壓和舒適的影響,實證護理研討會,中國醫藥學院附設醫院,2001.11.29 ~ 2001.11.29,
26﹒ 手術後發燒患者接受二種不同發燒處置對體溫、脈搏、呼吸、血壓和舒適的影響,實證護理研討會,台北:臺大醫院,2001.2.23 ~ 2001.2.23,
1﹒ 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)*、張菁惠、紀政儀(Ji, Jeng-Yi)、張雅雯(Yawen Chang)、林雅玟(Lin Ya Wen)、蘇曇紅(Tan Hong Su)、蔡淑華(Tsai,Shu-Hua)、林雅娟(YA-CHUAN LIN)、王文芳(Wang, Wen-Fang)、楊芝菁(Tzu-Ching Yang)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),健康問題與護理評估-OSCE之應用,華杏出版股份有限公司,2016.4
研究計畫/Research Grant
1﹒ 學生參與計畫,113-2813- C-039-045- B,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),國科會,長期照護學程對學生之老化知識、對老人態度及照顧老年人意願影響,$48000,2024.7.1 ~ 2025.2.28
2﹒ 個別型,CMU112-TC-06,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),長者活力體能訓練方案 (VIVIFRAIL) 介入對長照機構不同衰弱程度住民功能能力之影響,$220000,2023.11.14 ~ 2024.7.31
3﹒ 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-016,廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao),周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、陳麗麗(Li-Li Chen)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、林振文(Lin, Cheng-Wen),國科會,以日夜週期為基礎之穴位按壓處置對缺血性中風後病人復健期之疲憊與睡眠障礙之成效探討,$710000,2023.8.1 ~ 2024.7.31
4﹒ 個別型,CMU110-TC-06,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),本校(含附醫),顳動脈測溫計用於社區居民發燒篩檢的準確度和精確度:系統性文獻查證和統合分析,$200000,2022.10.26 ~ 2023.7.31
5﹒ 學生參與計畫,111-2813-C-039-214-B,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),國科會,非接觸式紅外線額溫用於測量發燒精確性和準確度之系統性文獻回顧與統合分析,$48000,2022.7.1 ~ 2023.2.28
6﹒ 個別型,CMU110-S-10,林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),本校(含附醫),行動健康介入對改善工作者飲食、身體活動及靜態行為之健康經濟評估:系統性文獻回顧暨統合分析,$260000,2021.10.26 ~ 2022.7.31
7﹒ 學生參與計畫,108-2813-C-039-027-H,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),國科會,不同類型養護中心對於住民憂鬱之影響,$48000,2019.7.1 ~ 2020.2.28
8﹒ 個別型,CMU107-N-06,葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh),呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),本校(含附醫),護理人員工作壓力、職業疲潰與住院病人滿意度之相關性,$230000,2018.11.7 ~ 2019.7.31
9﹒ 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-009-,林雲萍(Yun-Ping),廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、楊惠婷(Hui-Ting Yang),國科會,行動健康應用程式用於改善靜態工作者的飲食、身體活動和久坐行為之成效,$550000,2018.8.1 ~ 2019.7.31
10﹒ 非研究型計畫-教學實踐研究計畫,10771707,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、羅琦(Chyi Lo),教育部,教學實踐計畫-應用”情境與合作學習”提升失能者照護學習成效,$282900,2018.8.1 ~ 2020.1.31
11﹒ 學生參與計畫,107-2813-C-039-058-H,呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua),國科會,探討大學各年級護生臨床就業意向及影響因素,$48000,2018.7.1 ~ 2019.2.28
12﹒ 個別型,MOST 106-2314-B-039-037-,林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping),楊惠婷(Yang, Hui-Ting)、廖玟君(Liao, Wen-Chun)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、李國箴(Lee, Kwo-Chen),國科會,行動健康方案的研發與評價:促進靜態工作者的身體活動與健康飲食,$1200000,2017.8.1 ~ 2018.12.31
13﹒ 個別型,DMR-106-141,呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),林秋萍(Chiou-Ping Lin),附醫院內計畫,護理之家住民感染早期偵測評估量表之信效度測試,$257000,2016.8.1 ~ 2017.7.31
14﹒ 個別型,MOST 104-2314-B-039-009,呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu),,護理之家住民感染早期偵測評估量表的發展與測試,$500000,2015.8.1 ~ 2016.12.31
15﹒ 個別型,NSC101-2314-B-039-031-MY2,呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)、于博芮(Yu Po Jui),國科會,解凍再塑造:不同教育方案對促進以實證為基礎發燒處置成效性研究,$928000,2013.8.1 ~ 2014.7.31
16﹒ 個別型,NSC 102-2511-S-039-002,李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee),黃立琪(Huang Lichi)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),國科會,發展客觀結構式臨床測驗用於護理系準畢業學生之臨床能力評量之工具及信度與效度檢測,$500000,2013.8.1 ~ 2014.7.31
17﹒ 個別型,101-2314-B-039-031-MY2,呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)、于博芮(Yu Po Jui),,解凍再塑造:不同教育方案對促進以實證為基礎發燒處置成效性研究,$979000,2012.8.1 ~ 2013.7.31
18﹒ 個別型,CMU100-N1-04-1,呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu),本校(含附醫),臨床護理人員對發燒的知識、態度、及處置之研究,$400000,2011.10.1 ~ 2012.9.30
1﹒ 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會104年度護理研究成果競賽獎-佳作,中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會,2016.03.12
2﹒ 護理研究成果獎,中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會,2010.03.06