姓名/Name: 辛明哲 性別/Gender:
English Name:
1.中國附醫外科部減重代謝外科(主治醫師) / (Attending Physician)
2.安南醫院安南減重外科(兼任醫師) / ()
Email: 029505@tool.caaumed.org.tw
研究專長/Fields of Specialty
1﹒ 減重手術與治療
2﹒ 腹腔鏡手術
3﹒ 糖尿病治療手術
期刊論文/Journal Paper
Other論文 徐婉玲(HSU,WAN-LING)*、張競(CHANG CHING)、林庭安(Ting-Ann Lin)、辛明哲、趙蓓敏(Pei-Min Chao)、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)*,減重代謝手術後懷孕的營養需求與建議,台灣營養學會雜誌,2023 Sep,47(2):69-81
SCI論文 (Anand Patel)、辛明哲、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)*,Bougie-Induced Esophageal Perforation During Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery with Hiatus Hernia Repair,OBESITY SURGERY,2020 Aug,30(8):3249-3250
SCI論文 (Belle Yanyu Lin)、林瑋德(Wei-De Lin)、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)、辛明哲、林文元(Wen-Yuan lin)*、(Aurora D. Pryor)*,Changes of gut microbiota between different weight reduction programs,Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases,2019 May,15(2019):749-758
SCI論文 (Zubaidah Nor Hanipah)、辛明哲、劉家嘉(Chia-Chia Liu)、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)*,Laparoscopic loop duodenaljejunal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy in type 2 diabetic patients,Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases,2019 May,15(5):696-702
SCI論文 黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)、(Michelle Bernadette C. Lim-Loo)*、(Emmanuel S. Astudillo)、辛明哲,Sleeve Gastrectomy with Ligamentum Teres Cardiopexy,OBESITY SURGERY,2018 Aug,28():2583-2584
SCI論文 張博智(Po-Chih Chang)*、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)、戴啟明(Chi-Ming Tai)、(Ivy Ya-Wei Huang)、辛明哲、洪朝明(Chao-Ming Hung),Revision using totally hand-sewn gastrojejunostomy and truncal vagotomy for refractory marginal ulcer after laparoscopic Roux-en-y gastric bypass: a case series,Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases,2017 Apr,13(4):588-593
SCI論文 張博智(Po-Chih Chang)、戴啟明(Chi-Ming Tai)、辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin)、洪朝明(Chao-Ming Hung)、(Ivy Ya-Wei Huang)、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)*,Surgical standardization to prevent gastric stenosis after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: a case series,Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases,2016 Sep,0(0):0-0
SCI論文 張博智(Po-Chih Chang)、(Anshuman Dev)、(Abhishek Katakwar)、辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin)、戴啟明(Chi-Ming Tai)、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)*,Management of gastric fold herniation after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banded plication: a single-center experience,Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases,2016 May,12(4):849-855
SCI論文 張博智(Po-Chih Chang)*、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)、(Mahendra Rajan)、辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin),Revision with Totally Hand-Sewn Gastrojejunostomy and Vagotomy for Refractory Marginal Ulcer after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (文件類型:Editorial Material),OBESITY SURGERY,2016 May,26(1150):1150
SCI論文 辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin)、黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)*,Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banded Plication (Lagbp): Standardization of Surgical Technique and Analysis of Surgical Outcomes,OBESITY SURGERY,2016 Jan,26(1):85-90
SCI論文 (Ming-Shian Tsai)、(Hui-Ming Lee)、辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin)、林橙莉、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、(Yen-Tze Liu)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Increased Risk of Pyogenic Liver Abscess Among Patients With Colonic Diverticular Diseases: A Nationwide Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2015 Dec,94(49):e2210
SCI論文 黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang)、辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin),Conversion to modified duodenal switch for relieving intractable dumping syndrome and constipation after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,OBESITY SURGERY,2015 May,25(5):946-946
Other論文 黃致錕(Huang, Chih-Kun)*、辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin),Bariatric surgery in old age: a comparative study of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy in an Asia centre of excellence,JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH,2015 Mar,29(2):118-124
SCI論文 辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin)、黃致錕(Huang, Chih-Kun)、(Chi-Ming Tai)、(Lee-Ren Yeh)、(Hsin-Chih Kuo,)、(Amit Garg,)*,A case-matched study of the differences in bone mineral density 1 year after 3 different bariatric procedures,Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases,2015 Jan,11(1):181-185
SCI論文 辛明哲(Ming-Che Hsin),Duodenal ulcer caused by a surgical clip after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (文件類型:Editorial Material),ENDOSCOPY,2015 ,47():e264
研討會論文/Conference Papers
1﹒ ,第五屆國際代謝手術卓越聯盟論壇-顛覆未來的減重治療,台中中國醫藥大學附設醫院/高雄博田國際醫院,2021.12.11 ~ 2021.12.12,(Live Surgery) Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery-PJBSG/LDJBSG / GLP-1 agonist (第一天), Botox injection really works? / Gastric bypass (第二天)
2﹒ ,2020最新減重技術研討會暨夥伴回娘家,中國附醫安南分院第一醫療大樓11樓國際會議廳,2020.11.22 ~ 2020.11.22,減重手術與作用機轉:淺談縮胃曠腸
3﹒ ,台灣肥胖醫學會 2020 中區學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓103 講堂,2020.7.12 ~ 2020.7.12,The Impact for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery under COVID-19 Pandemic 新冠肺炎疫情下對國際代謝及肥胖手術的影響
4﹒ ,Bariatric surgical challenge discussion,中國附醫國際代謝形體醫學中心-視訊會議,2020.5.14 ~ 2020.5.14,Laparoscopic proximal jejunal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy: essentials in technic
5﹒ ,The 1st International Vachira Phuket Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Conference and Live Surgery,vachiraphuket hospital 泰國普吉府,2020.1.30 ~ 2020.1.31,How to do laparoscopic proximal jejunal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy?
6﹒ Choice of Surgical Procedures:Sleeve vs Sleeve Plus vs RYGB for super-Obesity Sleeve Plus,2019 IEF 4th Forum,中國醫藥大學附設醫院;台中市林酒店;台中市新社古堡,2019.12.7 ~ 2019.12.8,
7﹒ ,台灣肥胖醫學會2018南區學術研討會,台南香格里拉飯店3樓成功廳,2018.9.16 ~ 2018.9.16,代謝減重手術的最新發展
8﹒ ,台灣肥胖醫學會2018 中區學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓1 樓103 室,2018.6.3 ~ 2018.6.3,國際代謝及肥胖手術的新進展
9﹒ ,2017 3rd IEF Forum Shaping the Future of Metabolic Surgery,台中裕元花園酒店,2017.7.28 ~ 2017.7.29,Sleeve plus operation: why, how and when?
研究計畫/Research Grant
1﹒ 個別型,DMR-109-139,辛明哲,黃致錕(Chih-Kun Huang),附醫院內計畫,肥胖疾病的精神疾病共併症,$400000,2019.8.1 ~ 2020.7.31