期刊論文/Journal Paper

1 葉秋彣(Chiu-Wen Yeh)、(Meei-Shuyuan Lee)、(Yuan-Ting C. Lo)、陳怡潔(Yi-Chieh Chen)、(Wei-Chih Chen)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)*,Relationship between dietary diversity, eating behavior, and cognitive performance in economically disadvantaged school children,NUTRITION,2025 Mar,131():1-7,SCI
2 陳怡潔(Yi-Chieh Chen)、(Yuan-Ting C. Lo)、吳芯芸(Hsin-Yun Wu)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)*,Adherence to dietary guidelines associated with lower medical service utilization in preschoolers: a longitudinal study,Nutrition & Diabetes,2024 Mar,14(1):1-9,SCI
3 (Chia-Yuan Lin)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、吳啟瑞(Chi-Rei Wu)、(Han-Ting Wu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Carnosic acid attenuated cytochrome c release through the mitochondrial structural protein Mic60 by PINK1 in SH-SY5Y cells,FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY,2023 Mar,173():113636-113636,SCI
4 (Wei-Ching Huang)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Meei-Shyuan Lee)、(Jia-Yau Doong)、(Wen-Harn Pan)、(Hsing-Yi Chang)*,The Combined Effects of Dietary Diversity and Frailty on Mortality in Older Taiwanese People,Nutrients,2022 Sep,14(18):3825-3825,SCI
5 (AYZ Lord)、(YT Chiang)、(YY Cheng)、(YP Chang)、(HJ Chen)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(W.H. Pan)*,Participation effects of workplace promoting activities on healthy eating behavior,Public Health in Practice,2022 Jun,4():100286,Other
6 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、黃珮茹(Pei-Ju Huang)、(Yuan-Ting C. Lo)、(Chien-Wen Sun)、(Wen-Harn Pan)、(Shu-Li Wang)*、(Han-Bin Huang)*,Food processing and phthalate exposure: The Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (1993–1996 and 2005–2008),Frontiers in Nutrition,2021 Nov,8():,SCI
7 (Pei-Yi Shen)、(Yuan-Ting C Lo)、Zizwani Bria(Zizwani Brian Chilinda)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)*,After-school nutrition education programme improves eating behaviour in economically disadvantaged adolescents,PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION,2021 Oct,24(7):1927-1933,SCI
8 葉秋彣(TU, CHIU-WEN)、(Yuan-Ting C. Lo)、陳怡潔(Chen, Yi-Chieh)、(Wei-Chih Chen)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)*,Perceived Food Insecurity, Dietary Quality, and Unfavorable Food Intake among Children and Adolescents from Economically Disadvantaged Households,Nutrients,2021 Sep,13(10):3411,SCI
9 (Lin-Yuan Huang)、(Meei-Shyuan Lee)、(Po-Huang Chiang)*、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、Mark L. Wahl(Mark Lawrence Wahlqvist)*,Household and schooling rather than diet offset the adverse associations of height with school competence and emotional disturbance among Taiwanese girls,PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION,2021 Jun,24(8):2238-2247,SCI
10 Zizwani Bria(Zizwani Brian Chilinda)、Mark L. Wahl(Mark Lawrence Wahlqvist)、(Meei-Shyuan Lee)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)*,Higher maternal autonomy is associated with reduced child stunting in Malawi,Scientific Reports,2021 Feb,11(1):3882,SCI
11 (Wei-Ching Huang)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Meei-Shyuan Lee)、(Hsing-Yi Chang)、(Jia-Yau Doong)*,Frailty Severity and Cognitive Impairment Associated with Dietary Diversity in Older Adults in Taiwan,Nutrients,2021 Jan,13(2):418,SCI
12 張家華(Chia-Hua Chang)、江舟峰、(Jiunn-Wang Liao)、(Gow-Chin Yen)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、倪詩蓓(Shih-Pei Ni)、張嘉津(Chia-Chin Chang)、林信堂(Hsin-Tang Lin)*,Dietary exposure assessment of methylmercury and polyunsaturated fatty acids in saltwater fish and processed foods among Taiwanese women of child-bearing age and children: A novel core food-matching approach,Chemosphere,2020 Sep,262():,SCI
13 (Jean Woo)*、(Sherlin Ong)、(Ruth Chan)、(Liz Li)、(Jianqin Sun)、(Yoke Mun Cha)、(Shiou-Liang Wee)、(Nghiem Nguyet Thu)、(Pham Thang)、(Siti Setiati)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、Mark L. Wahl(Mark Lawrence Wahlqvist)、(Lisette CPGM. de Groot),Nutrition, sarcopenia and frailty: An Asian perspective,Translational Medicine of Aging,2019 Nov,3():125-131,Other
14 (Cheng-Kang Liu)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Yuan-Ting C Lo)、Mark L. Wahl(Mark Lawrence Wahlqvist)、(Meei-Shyuan Lee)*,Dietary diversity offsets the adverse mortality risk among older indigenous Taiwanese,ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION,2019 Sep,28(3):593-600,SCI
15 黃柏菁(HUANG PO-CHIN)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、黃翰斌(Han-Bin Huang)*,Changes in insulin resistance mediate the associations between phthalate exposure and metabolic syndrome,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2019 Aug,175():434-441,SCI
16 (Sherlin Ong)*、(Jean Woo)、(Panam Parikh)、(Ruth Chan)、(Sun Jianqin)、(Chan Yoke Mun)、(Shiou-Liang Wee)、(Nghiem Nguyet Thu)、(Pham Thang)、(Siti Setiati)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、Mark L. Wahl(Mark Lawrence Wahlqvist)、(Rolf Bos)、(Lisette CPGM de Groot),Addressing nutritional requirements of ageing consumers in Asia-recommendations from an expert workshop,ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION,2019 Jun,28(2):204-213,SCI
17 (Yu-Chun Chen)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Yuan-Ting C Lo)、(Hsing-Juan Wu)、Mark L. Wahl(Mark Lawrence Wahlqvist)、(Meei-Shyuan Lee)*,Secular trend towards ultra-processed food consumption and expenditure compromises dietary quality among Taiwanese adolescents,Food & Nutrition Research,2018 Sep,62():,SCI
18 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Mark L Wahlqvist)、鐘羅元庭(Yuan-Ting C. Lo)、林嶔(Chin Lin)、張新儀(Hsing-Yi Chang)、李美璇(Meei-Shyuan Lee)*,A non-invasive modifiable Healthy Ageing Nutrition Index (HANI) predicts longevity in free-living older Taiwanese,Scientific Reports,2018 May,8(7113):,SCI
19 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Cheng, Hsing-Ling)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、(Lo, Yuan-Ting C)、(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Gender differences in longevity in freeliving older adults who eat-with-others: a prospective study in Taiwan,BMJ Open,2017 Sep,7():e016575,SCI
20 鐘羅元婷(Lo, Yuan-Ting C)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、莊紹源(Chuang, Shao-Yuan)、王紀芬(Wang, Chi-Feng)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Medical costs of a low skeletal muscle mass are modulated by dietary diversity and physical activity in community-dwelling older Taiwanese: A longitudinal study,International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,2017 Mar,14():31,SCI
21 鐘羅元婷(Lo, Yuan-Ting C)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Elderly Taiwanese who spend more on fruits and vegetables and less on animal-derived foods use less medical services and incur lower medical costs,BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2016 May,115(5):823-833,SCI
22 何家儀(Ho, Chia-Yi)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、鐘羅元婷(Lo, Yuan-Ting C)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Breakfast is associated with the metabolic syndrome and school performance among Taiwanese children,Research in Developmental Disabilities,2015 Aug,43-44():179-188,SSCI
23 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、高美丁(Kao, Mei-Ding)、王瑞蓮(Wang, Jui-Lien)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Optimal Dietary and Plasma Magnesium Statuses Depend on Dietary Quality for a Reduction in the Risk of All-Cause Mortality in Older Adults,Nutrients,2015 Jul,7(7):5664-5683,SCI
24 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Appetite predicts mortality in free-living older adults in association with dietary diversity. A NAHSIT cohort study,APPETITE,2014 Dec,83():89-96,SCI
25 黃琳媛(Huang, Lin-Yuan)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Optimal Dairy Intake Is Predicated on Total, Cardiovascular, and Stroke Mortalities in a Taiwanese Cohort,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION,2014 Nov,33(6):426-436,SCI
26 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*,Sleep Quality in the Survival of Elderly Taiwanese: Roles for Dietary Diversity and Pyridoxine in Men and Women,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION,2013 Dec,32(6):417-427,SCI
27 修麗麗(Xiu, Li-Li)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、陳佳玉(Chen, Rosalind Chia-Yu)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Chen, Kuan-Ju)、(Li, Duo),Low and high homocysteine are associated with mortality independent of B group vitamins but interactive with cognitive status in a free-living elderly cohort,NUTRITION RESEARCH,2012 Dec,32():928-939,SCI
28 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)*,Prediction of all-cause mortality by B group vitamin status in the elderly,CLINICAL NUTRITION,2012 Apr,31():191-198,SCI
29 李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、蘇心慧(Su, Hsin-Huei)、李孟璋(Lee, Meng-Zhang)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L),A SIMPLE FOOD QUALITY INDEX PREDICTS MORTALITY IN ELDERLY TAIWANESE,Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging,2011 Dec,15(10):815-821,SCI
30 黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*、潘文涵(Pan, Wen-Harn)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L),Validation of a simplified food frequency questionnaire as used in the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) for the elderly,ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION,2011 Mar,20(1):134-140,SCI
31 李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L)、(Wu, Tsai-Yi)、周雨青(Chou, Yu-Ching)、(Wu, Mei-Hsuan)、俞志誠(Yu, Jyh-Cherng)、孫建安(Sun, Chien-An),Vitamin D Decreases Risk of Breast Cancer in Premenopausal Women of Normal Weight in Subtropical Taiwan,JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY,2011 ,21(2):87-94,SCI
32 李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)*、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、(Wahlqvist, Mark L),Chewing Ability in Conjunction with Food Intake and Energy Status in Later Life Affects Survival in Taiwanese with the Metabolic Syndrome,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY,2010 Jun,58(6):1072-1080,SCI
33 (Wahlqvist, Mark L)*、李美璇(Lee, Meei-Shyuan)、(Lau, Joseph)、郭耿南(Kuo, Ken N)、黃青真(Huang, Ching-jang)、潘文涵(Pan, Wen-Harn)、張新儀(Chang, Hsing-Yi)、陳佳玉(Chen, Rosalind Chia-Yu)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen),The opportunities and challenges of evidence-based nutrition (EBN) in the Asia Pacific region: clinical practice and policy-setting,ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION,2008 Mar,17(1):2-7,SCI