期刊論文/Journal Paper

1 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、羅琦(Lo, Chyi)、陳佩芸(Pei-Yun Chen)、呂淑華(Shu-Hua Lu)*,The impact of Age on Comparative Diagnostic Accuracy of Temporal Artery Thermometers and Non-Contact Infrared Thermometers for Fever Detection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2024 Dec,():,SCI
2 呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、尹嘉展(Jia-Jean Yiin)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)*,Effect of a Web-Based Integrative Support Intervention to Improve Family Caregiver Positive Caregiving Experience and Quality of Life,CANCER NURSING,2024 Jul,():1-12,SSCI
3 陳佩芸(Pei-Yun Chen)、周靜儀(Ching-Yi Chou)、連妙欣(Miao-Hsin Lien)、(Shu-Wen Chen)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、羅琦(Lo, Chyi)*,Psychological factors associated with exercise self-efficacy in the recipients of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator,PLoS One,2024 Jun,19(6):1-14,SCI
4 陳佩芸(Pei-Yun Chen)、詹毓哲(Yu-Tse Tsan)、楊朝棟(Chao-Tung Yang)、李芸玫(Yun-Mei Lee)、陳麗麗(Li-Li Chen)、何文照(Ho,Wen-Chao)*、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,Prediction of risk of ischemic heart disease in first-diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus patients in taiwan: is air pollution exposure a risk factor?,BMC Rheumatology,2023 Jun,7(14):1-9,Other
5 林雅凰(Ya-Huang Lin)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*、劉紋妙(Wen-Miao Liu)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,Comparison of four screening methods for sarcopenia among community-dwelling older adults: A diagnostic accuracy study,Geriatric Nursing,2023 Jan,46():157-163,SCI
6 陳怡樺(Yi-Hua Chen)、趙玟瑄(Wen-Shiuan Chao)、樓美玲、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、馬維芬(Wei-Fen Ma)*,居家護理師照護輕度及中度失智症之行動意義,精神衛生護理雜誌,2022 Aug,17(2):20-29,Other
7 王美純(Mei-Chun Wang)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,Validation of Screening Tools for Predicting the Risk of Functional Decline in Hospitalized Elderly Patients,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022 Jun,19(11):1-9,SCI
8 蕭碧紅(Bi-Hung Hsiao)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*、林雲萍(Yun-Ping Lin)*,Impact of an Educational Program on Improving Nurses’ Management of Fever: An Experimental Study,Healthcare,2022 Jun,10(6):1-12,SCI
9 呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、(Ya-Yun Chen)、(Jia-Jean Yiin)、李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)*,Caregiving burdens of family of advanced- and other-stage hepatocellular carcinoma patients,International Journal of Palliative Nursing,2022 Jan,28():,Other
10 郭青萍(Kuo, CP)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)、黃建寧(Huang, CN)、廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)*、李孟智(Lee, MC)*,Sleep Quality and Associated Factors in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Retrospective Cohort Study,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2021 Mar,18(6):3025,SSCI
11 連雅雯(Lien, Ya-Wen)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,運用自我效能照護一位年輕型中風病患之護理經驗,榮總護理,2019 Jun,36(2):204-211,Other
12 王美純(Wang Mei-Chung)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,預測住院老人功能下降評估工具之介紹,台灣醫學,2019 May,23(3):384-391,Other
13 賴孟婕(Meng-Jie Lai)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、呂淑華(Lu Shu Hua)*,慢性腎病病人使用暫時性導管啟動長期透析之影響因素,榮總護理,2018 Sep,35(3):278-288,Other
14 林雲萍(Lin, Yun-Ping)、(OiSaeng Hong)、(Chiu-Chu Lin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、(Meei-Maan Chen)、李國箴(Lee, Kwo-Chen)*,A “sit Less, walk More” Workplace Intervention for Office Workers Long-Term Efficacy of a Quasi-Experimental Study,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE,2018 Jun,60(6):e290-e299,SCI
15 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、于博芮(Po-Jui Yu,)、戴玉慈(Yu-Tzu Dai)*,Fever presentation and associated factors in patients with healthcare-associated bacteremia,International Journal of Nursing Practice,2016 Jan,22(1):98-107,SSCI
16 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、尹家展(Jia-Jean Yiin)、林碧珠(Pi-Chu Lin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)*,Sleep disturbances and related factors among family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer,PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY,2015 Dec,24(12):1632-1638,SSCI
17 戴玉慈(Dai,Yu-Tzu)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)*、陳宜君(Chen,Yee-Chun)、柯文哲(Ko,Wen-Je),Correlation between body temperature and survival rate in patients with hospital acquired bacteremia: A prospective observational study,Biological Research for Nursing,2015 Oct,17(5):469-477,SCI
18 李國箴(Kwo-Chen Lee)、(Jia-Jean Yiin)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、邱艷芬(Yann-Fen Chao)*,The burden of caregiving and sleep disturbance among family caregivers of advanced cancer patients,CANCER NURSING,2015 Jul,38(4):10-18,SSCI
19 廖永澄(Liao Yung Cheng)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)*,以實證探討鼻胃管灌食導致吸入性肺炎之預防措施,長期照護雜誌,2014 Sep,18(2):237-250,Other
20 呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua)、陳宜君(Yee Chun Chen)、張玉坤(Yue Cune Chang)、嚴崇仁(Chung Jen Yen)、戴玉慈(Yu Tzu Dai)*,Effect of age on febrile response in patients with hospital-acquired bloodstream infection,Geriatric Nursing,2013 Oct,34(5):366-372,SSCI
21 戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),What's missing for evidence-based fever management? Is fever beneficial or harmful to humans?,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES,2012 May,49(5):505-507,SCI
22 (A. Renee Leasure)*、(Joan Stirlen)、呂淑華(Lu, Shu-Hua),Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Through Aspiration of Subglottic Secretions:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing,2012 Mar,31(2):102-117,Other
23 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,病歷回顧研究之方法學,台灣醫學,2010 Sep,14(5):583-587,Other
24 呂淑華、(Leasure, A.R.)、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,A systematic review of body temperature variations in older people.,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING,2010 Jan,19(1):4-16,SSCI
25 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、嚴崇仁(Yen, C.J.),The effects of measurement site and ambient temperature on body temperature values in healthy older adults: A method- comparison study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES,2009 Nov,46(11):1415-1422,SSCI
26 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,Normal body temperature and the effects of age, sex, ambient temperature and body mass index on normal oral temperature: a prospective, comparative study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES,2009 May,46(5):661-668,SSCI
27 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*,老化對體溫調節及發燒反應的影響,台灣醫學,2006 Jan,10(1):123-128,Other
28 呂淑華、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、畢萬邦(Pi Wan Pang)、張金堅(Chang King Jen),冰枕及熱水足浴對術後發燒之效用,台灣醫學,2001 Mar,5(2):154-163,Other
29 戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu)*、呂淑華、徐銘玉(Hsu Min Yu),醫療人員如何稱呼病患,醫學教育,2000 Sep,4(3):307-314,Other
30 呂淑華*、戴玉慈(Dai Yu Tzu),發燒處置的迷思與省思,護理雜誌,2000 Jun,47(3):65-70,Other