醫學院醫學系學士班生化學科 副教授/School of Medicine (Department of Biochemistry) Associate Professor
- 任職單位:醫學院醫學系學士班生化學科 副教授
School of Medicine (Department of Biochemistry) Associate Professor - 電話:(04)22053366 分機2151
- E-mail:tjhuang@mail.cmu.edu.tw
- 成功大學 生理所 碩士
National Cheng Kung University Master - 成功大學 基礎醫學所 博士
National Cheng Kung University Doctor
經歷/Work experience
- 中國醫藥大學 生命科學院生態暨演化生物學研究所 助理教授( 970801~)
China Medical University Graduate Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Assistant Professor - 中國醫藥大學 生命科學院生物科技學系 助理教授(1020801~)
China Medical University Department of Biological Science and Technology Assistant Professor - 中國醫藥大學 醫學院醫學系學士班 副教授(1040101~)
China Medical University School of Medicine Associate Professor - 中國醫藥大學 研究發展處學術研究組 專任研究助理(博士)( 960108~)
China Medical University Office of Research and Development Full-Time Research Assistant(Doctor)
主管經歷/Administrative experience
- 醫學院醫學系學士班科主任(1090801~1130731)
School of Medicine (Department of Biochemistry) - 醫學院醫學系學士班科主任(1130801~1140731)
School of Medicine (Department of Biochemistry) - 生物多樣性研究中心基因多樣性組組長(不支津貼)(0970801~1030801)
Research Center for Biodiversity Chief
專長/Research expertise
- B型肝炎病毒致病之分子機轉研究
- 抗B型肝炎病毒藥物之分子機轉研究及藥物開發
- 抗肝癌藥物之分子機轉研究及開發
- Molecular mechanism of hepatitis B virus infection
- Molecular mechanism of anti-viral drug against hepatitis B virus and drug development
- Molecular mechanism of anti-liver cancer drug and drug development