
醫學院醫學系學士班生理學科 副教授/School of Medicine (Department of Physiology) Associate Professor

  • 姓名:黄怡萍/Huang, Yi-Ping
  • 任職單位:醫學院醫學系學士班生理學科 副教授
    School of Medicine (Department of Physiology) Associate Professor
  • 電話:(04)22053366  分機2188
  • E-mail:yphuang@mail.cmu.edu.tw
  • ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0775-9880
  • Google Scholar個人學術檔案
  • 學歷/Education:
    • 陽明大學 生理學研究所 博士
      National Yang-Ming University Doctor
    • 中國醫藥學院 醫學研究所 碩士
      China Medical University Master
    • 中國醫藥學院 護理學系 學士
      China Medical University Bachelor
  • 經歷/Work experience:
    • 職涯課程專業講師培訓結業(1080122~)
      Career course professional lecturer training completion
    • 合格全球職涯發展師(1080122~)
      Qualified Global Career Development Facilitator(GCDF)
    • 嶄新生涯探索與規畫卡帶領人訓練結業(生涯卡)(1080122~)
      New career exploration and planning card leader training (career card)
    • 嶄新生涯探索與規劃卡帶領人訓練結業(能力強項卡、職業憧憬卡)(1080122~)
      New career exploration and planning card leader training (capability card, professional expectation
    • 合格國際職業策略規劃師(1110210~)
      Qualified Strategic Career Planning Consultant(SCPC)
    • 1111人力銀行 九大職能星職涯推廣師(1080122~)
      1111 Human Bank Nine Functional Star Career Promoters
    • 中國醫藥大學 醫學院基礎醫學研究所 副教授( 950201~)
      China Medical University Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Science Associate Professor
  • 主管經歷/Administrative experience:
    • 國際事務處國際教育中心主任(1120825~1130430)
    • 國際事務處國際專修部主任(1130501~1130731)
    • 學務處副學務長(1080816~1090731)
      Office of Student Affair Associate Dean of Student Affairs
    • 學務處軍訓暨生活輔導組組長(1080816~1090731)
      Military Education, Guidance and Counseling Division Chief
    • 醫學院醫學系學士班科主任(0960801~0990801)
      School of Medicine (Department of Physiology)
  • 專長/Research expertise:
    • 生理學 / Physiology
    • 熱中風 / Heat stroke
    • 天然及化合物對癌症治療的機轉探討 / Exploring the mechanism of natural and chemical compounds in cancer treatment
    • 內外科護理學 / Medical- surgical nursing