本人過去研究成果,主要著重於以蛋白質體學及基因體學,來研究細菌或病毒之致病機制。首先,建立與應用蛋白質體學及基因體學等工具,來尋找細胞蛋白質群組與細菌或病毒毒力因子有交互作用之蛋白質,進而與免疫反應及生物功能進行連結,更進ㄧ步探討免疫反應失調或微生物致病的原因。近期的發表著作均為與多個國外團隊共同合作之成果,包括博士後之英國劍橋大學、美國西南醫學大學。及近期與加利福尼亞大學爾灣分校的共同研究計劃。 其中以發表在EMBO molecular medicine “Glutathione peroxidase 8 negatively regulates caspase-4/11 to protect against colitis. (2020)”為近期重要的代表著作。在此篇發表中,我首先利用篩選機制找出GPx8蛋白最可能參與之免疫調控路徑,再利用動物模型以及新穎分子生物學技術探討GPx8之功能,以及其對於發炎相關疾病之影響。此研究徹底實踐了”bench-to-bedside”,從基礎細胞機制、動物模式到藥物治療之pre-clinical trial,最後以臨床檢體應證其機制在臨床存在,並讓此研究有機會應用其發現於臨床診斷及新藥開發。因為此篇研究之疾病為腸道發炎疾病――包含大腸炎及克隆氏症,在台灣及世界各地發展中國家之罹患率均逐年上升,為國家訂立之重大傷病患者,並可能增加病人罹患大腸癌機率。因治療之生物製劑藥物昂貴,本實驗發現之新穎調控機制及其藥物,為文章中測試的兩個小分子藥物,具有非常高臨床應用的可能性,為具有前瞻性之新藥研發機會。 My previous research achievements have primarily focused on using proteomics and genomics to study the pathogenic mechanisms of bacteria and viruses. First, I established and applied proteomic and genomic tools to identify proteins within cellular protein groups that interact with bacterial or viral virulence factors, thereby linking these proteins to immune responses and biological functions. This approach further allowed for the exploration of the causes behind dysregulated immune responses and microbial pathogenicity. My recent publications have resulted from collaborations with several international research teams, including postdoctoral groups from the University of Cambridge (UK) and Southwest Medical University (USA), as well as a recent joint research project with the University of California, Irvine. A representative recent publication is the EMBO Molecular Medicine paper titled “Glutathione peroxidase 8 negatively regulates caspase-4/11 to protect against colitis (2020).” In this study, I first employed a screening mechanism to identify the immune regulatory pathway most likely involving the GPx8 protein, and then used animal models and novel molecular biology techniques to investigate the function of GPx8 and its impact on inflammatory diseases. This research fully implemented a “bench-to-bedside” strategy—ranging from elucidating fundamental cellular mechanisms and animal model experiments to pre-clinical drug trials and ultimately validating the findings in clinical specimens. These results offer the potential to apply our discoveries in clinical diagnostics and innovative drug development. Given that the inflammatory diseases studied—such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease—are increasingly prevalent in Taiwan and developing countries worldwide, they have been identified as major public health issues that may also elevate the risk of colorectal cancer. Moreover, considering the high cost of biological therapeutics, the novel regulatory mechanism uncovered in this study, along with the two small molecule drugs tested, presents promising opportunities for the development of new, cost-effective therapeutic strategies.
醫學院生物醫學研究所 副教授/Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences Associate Professor
- 姓名:徐婕琳/Hsu, Jye-Lin
- 任職單位:醫學院生物醫學研究所 副教授
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences Associate Professor - 電話:04-22053366 分機7719
- E-mail:jlh@mail.cmu.edu.tw
- ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6687-4038
- Google Scholar個人學術檔案
- 清華大學 分子醫學研究所 博士 98清博字第0026號
National Tsing Hua University Doctor - 成功大學 醫事技術學系 學士 90成大字第41869號
National Cheng Kung University Bachelor - 交通大學 生物科技學系 碩士 92交碩字第9028512號
National Chiao Tung University Master
經歷/Work experience
- 中國醫藥大學 免疫醫學研發中心 校院互聘專案培養助理教授Ⅱ(1030801~)
China Medical University Research and Development Center for Immunology - 中國醫藥大學 腫瘤醫學研究中心 專案培養助理教授(1031015~)
China Medical University Research Center for Tumor Medical Science - 中國醫藥大學 生物醫學研究所 副教授(1110801~)
China Medical University Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences Associate Professor
主管經歷/Administrative experience
專長/Research expertise
- 免疫學 / immunobiology
- 分子生物學 / molecular biology
- 微生物學 / microbiology
- 蛋白質體學 / proteomics
- microbiota / cell biology
- 細胞生物學