

Professor Hung-Rong Yen is a physician-scientist. He earned his M.D. degree with a double major in Western and Chinese medicine at China Medical University, Taiwan. Afterward, he completed dual clinical training in Western medicine (pediatrics) in Chang Gung Children Hospital and Chinese medicine in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. He also earned his Ph.D. degree in Chang Gung University, including a 3-year research fellowship in immunology in Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A. Professor Yen’s academic training and research experience have provided him with a background in multiple biomedical aspects. As a physician-scientist with dual clinical training in Western medicine and Chinese medicine, he is a leading advocate of integrating Chinese medicine into conventional care. He cultivates the younger generation and builds bridges between doctors of all backgrounds. His clinical practice with integrative medicine teams has received 2 “Symbol of National Quality” (SNQ) Awards in Taiwan. His research output in Taiwan native herbal medicine has also received 1 “National Innovation Award”. It is his hope that his training in clinical and basic science could be translated to a better understanding, treatment, and prevention of immunological diseases through approaches such as Chinese medicine. Professor Yen is ranked as one of the "World's Top 2% Scientists" through Scopus's paper influence data, including "Life-long Science Influence Rankings” and “Single Year's Science Impact Rankings”, and continues to be listed in the following years. He is also a pioneer in innovative pedagogical practice in Chinese medicine education, including OSCE, MOOCs, VR application, and EMI courses.

中醫學院中醫學系學士班中醫婦兒學科 教授/School of Chinese Medicine (Gynecology and Pediatrics) Professor



  • 長庚大學 臨床醫學研究所 博士
    Chang Gung University Ph.D.
  • 中國醫藥大學 中醫學系 醫學士
    China Medical University M.D.

經歷/Work experience

  • 林口長庚紀念醫院 中醫部 住院醫師(0880625~0890630)
    Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Department of Chinese Medicine Resident
  • 林口長庚兒童醫院 兒童內科部 住院醫師(0890701~0920630)
    Chang Gung Children’s Hospital Department of Pediatrics Resident
  • 林口長庚紀念醫院 中醫部 總醫師(0920701~0930630)
    Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Department of Chinese Medicine Chief Resident
  • 林口長庚紀念醫院 中醫部 主治醫師(0930701~1020831)
    Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Department of Chinese Medicine Attending Physician
  • 美國約翰霍普金斯大學 免疫學科 博士後研究員(0960201~0990127)
    Johns Hopkins University,U.S.A lmmunology Program Post-doctoral Fellow
  • 長庚大學 中醫系 助理教授(1000801~1020831)
    Chang Gung University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Assistant Professor
  • 中國醫藥大學 中醫學院中醫學系學士班 助理教授(1020901~1040831)
    China Medical University School of Chinese Medicine Assistant Professor
  • 中國醫藥大學 中醫暨針灸研究中心 副主任(1030401~1050731)
    China Medical University Research Center for Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Vice Director
  • 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 中醫兒科 主任(1041201~1090131)
    China Medical University Hospital Division of China Medicine Pediatrics Director
  • 中國醫藥大學 中醫學院中醫學系學士班 副教授(1040901~1080731)
    China Medical University School of Chinese Medicine Associate Professor
  • 中國醫藥大學 中草藥研究中心 副主任(1050801~1060131)
    China Medical University Research Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine Vice Director
  • 台灣中醫兒童暨青少年科醫學會 理事長(1060212~1120211)
    Taiwan Chinese Medical Association for Children and Adolescents Chairman
  • 中國醫藥大學 中醫藥研究中心 中心主任(1060201~1060731)
    China Medical University Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine Center Director
  • 全球傳統醫藥大學聯盟 秘書處 執行長(1070526~)
    The Global University Network of Traditional Medicine (GUNTM) Secretariat CEO
  • 台灣中醫臨床技能學會 理事長(1080224~1101205)
    Taiwan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Competence Association Chairman
  • 中國醫藥大學 中醫學院中醫學系學士班 教授(1080801~)
    China Medical University School of Chinese Medicine Professor
  • 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 中西醫結合科 主任(1090201~)
    China Medical University Hospital Division of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Director
  • 教育部 醫學教育會 委員(1120101~)
    Medical Education Committee, Ministry of Education Committee Member
  • 國科會 藥學及中醫藥學門 共同召集人(1130101~)
    Discipline of Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine, National Science and Technology Council Co-Convener/Co-Chair

主管經歷/Administrative experience

  • 中醫學院學院院長(1100801~1130731)
    College of Chinese Medicine College Dean
  • 中醫學院國際針灸碩士學位學程學位學程主任(1100801~1130731)
    International Master Program in Acupuncture Program Chairman
  • 中醫學院副院長(1070801~1100731)
    College of Chinese Medicine Vice Dean
  • 中草藥研究中心代理主任(1060801~1070731)
    Research Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • 中醫藥研究中心中心主任(1060201~1060731)
    Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine Center Director
  • 中草藥研究中心代理主任(1060201~1060731)
    Research Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine

專長/Research expertise

  • 中醫藥轉譯研究 / TCM Translational Research
  • 免疫學 / Immunology
  • 中醫兒科 / TCM Pediatrics
  • 整合醫學 / Integrative Medicine
  • 中醫藥創新教學 / Innovative TCM Pedagogy