

若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。(詩篇127:1) Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Psalm 127:1

醫學工程學院生物醫學工程學系 教授/Department of Biomedical Engineering Professor



  • 成功大學 材料科學 博士 91成博字第80319號
    National Cheng Kung University Doctor
  • 成功大學 材料科學 碩士
    National Cheng Kung University Master
  • 逢甲大學 材料科學 學士

經歷/Work experience

  • 中國醫藥大學 教授(1090801~)
  • 中國醫藥大學 健康照護學院口腔衛生學系 副教授(1020201~)
    China Medical University Department of Dental Hygiene Associate Professor
  • 中國醫藥大學 健康照護學院口腔衛生學系 助理教授( 970201~)
    China Medical University Department of Dental Hygiene Assistant Professor
  • 財團法人醫藥品查驗中心Center for Drug Evaluation 審查員/研究員(~)

主管經歷/Administrative experience

  • 產學合作處產學長(1130801~1140731)
    Office of Academia-Industry Cooperation Dean of Academia-Industry Cooperation
  • 醫學工程學院生物醫學工程碩士學位學程學位學程主任(1130801~1140731)
    Master Program for Biomedical Engineering Program Chairman
  • 醫學工程學院醫學工程與復健科技產業博士學位學程學位學程主任(1130801~1140731)
    The Ph.D. Program for Medical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science Program Chairman
  • 產學合作處產學長(1120801~1130731)
    Office of Academia-Industry Cooperation Dean of Academia-Industry Cooperation
  • 醫學工程學院生物醫學工程碩士學位學程學位學程主任(1110801~1130731)
    Master Program for Biomedical Engineering Program Chairman
  • 醫學工程學院醫學工程與復健科技產業博士學位學程學位學程主任(1120401~1130731)
    The Ph.D. Program for Medical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science Program Chairman
  • 產學合作處副產學長(1110201~1120731)
    Office of Academia-Industry Cooperation
  • 產學合作處代理產學長(1120401~1120731)
    Office of Academia-Industry Cooperation
  • 醫學工程學院生物醫學工程碩士學位學程學位學程主任(1090801~1110731)
    Master Program for Biomedical Engineering Program Chairman
  • 醫學工程學院醫學工程與復健科技產業博士學位學程學位學程主任(1090801~1120331)
    The Ph.D. Program for Medical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science Program Chairman
  • 學務處副學務長(1090801~1100731)
    Office of Student Affair Associate Dean of Student Affairs
  • 學務處軍訓暨生活輔導組組長(1090801~1100731)
    Military Education, Guidance and Counseling Division Chief
  • 醫學工程學院生物醫學工程碩士學位學程學位學程主任(1081203~1090731)
    Master Program for Biomedical Engineering Program Chairman
  • 醫學工程學院醫學工程與復健科技產業博士學位學程學位學程主任(1081203~1090731)
    The Ph.D. Program for Medical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science Program Chairman
  • 產學合作處行政組組長(1040801~1050131)
    Administration Division Chief
  • 產學合作處行政組組長(1050201~1060731)
    Administration Division Chief

專長/Research expertise

  • 生物醫學材料 / Biomaterials
  • 生醫材料表面改質 / Surface modification
  • 醫療器材法規 / Medical devices regulation
  • 骨細胞及硬組織分析技術 / Tech. for bone cells and hard tissues
  • 幹細胞動態受力培養 / Stem cell culture under dynamic forces