研討會論文/Conference Papers

1 ,2022年台灣臨床神經生理學學會 冬季學術研討會,集思台中文心會議中心,2022.12.17 ~ 2022.12.17,Eye tracking in clinical application
2 社會經驗與社交注意力的關係: 以教師的凝視線索效果為例,2022台灣認知神經科學學會年會,線上,2022.4.30 ~ 2022.4.30,
3 探尋清晰與模糊視標評估視力值的可能性,台灣心理學會第59屆年會新冠肺炎與心理健康,台北﹐台灣,2020.10.17 ~ 2020.10.18,
4 The effect of aging on gaze-induced Inhibition of Return,The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,Ritsumeikan University (Osaka Ibaraki Campus),2019.7.28 ~ 2019.8.1,
5 Individual differences of the collinear masking effect in visual search,The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,Ritsumeikan University (Osaka Ibaraki Campus),2019.7.28 ~ 2019.8.1,
6 The interaction of grouping and salience in visual search: The electrophysiological evidence for the collinear masking effect,The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,Ritsumeikan University (Osaka Ibaraki Campus),2019.7.28 ~ 2019.8.1,
7 Collinear grouped items are more distracted for older adults: Behavior and neural imaging evidence on the collinear masking effect,19th Annual Meeting (2019 VSS),St. Pete Beach, Florida,2019.5.17 ~ 2019.5.22,
8 N2pc and P3 decrement in the visual search with collinear grouping,2019臺灣認知神經科學學會年會暨研討會,國立交通大學博愛校區賢齊館,2019.1.26 ~ 2019.1.26,
9 Does collinearity mask a local target? Evidence from a probe dual task,2018台灣心理學會第57屆年會暨心理學科普營,台南長榮大學,2018.10.13 ~ 2018.10.14,
10 Age effect on the gaze-induced IOR,2018台灣心理學會第57屆年會暨心理學科普營,台南長榮大學,2018.10.13 ~ 2018.10.14,
11 Perceptual grouping, rather than texture segregation, determines the collinear masking effect in visual search,The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2018),Hangzhou, P. R. China,2018.7.13 ~ 2018.7.16,
12 What does the inhibition of return in gaze cues inhibit?,The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2018),Hangzhou, P. R. China,2018.7.13 ~ 2018.7.16,
13 Factors that reduce grouping also decrease the collinear masking effect in visual search,The 18th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society,Florida, America,2018.5.18 ~ 2018.5.23,
14 The mechanism of inhibition of return in gaze cues,2018 臺灣認知神經科學學會年會暨研討會,China Medical University, Taiwan,2018.1.20 ~ 2018.1.20,
15 ,2018 臺灣認知神經科學學會年會暨研討會,China Medical University, Taiwan,2018.1.20 ~ 2018.1.20,The effect of aging on collinear grouping in visual search
16 Region-based or Edge-based? On the Grouping Mechanism of the Collinear Masking Effect in Visual Search,2018 臺灣認知神經科學學會年會暨研討會,China Medical University, Taiwan,2018.1.20 ~ 2018.1.20,
17 Do Discrimination Tasks Produce Inhibition of Return for Gaze Cues?,The 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2017),Taiwan, Taipei,2017.9.1 ~ 2017.9.3,
18 Aging Effects on Salient Capture and Perceptual Grouping in Visual Search,The 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2017),Taiwan, Taipei,2017.9.1 ~ 2017.9.3,
19 Children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Show Both Cuing Effect and Inhibition of Return in the Gaze Cueing Paradigm,The 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2017),Taiwan, Taipei,2017.9.1 ~ 2017.9.3,
20 Demanded task can delay time course of gaze-induced inhibition of return,40th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2017),Berlin, Germany,2017.8.27 ~ 2017.8.31,
21 No external focus advantage for novice in a mirror drawing task,The 40th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2017),Berlin, Germany,2017.8.27 ~ 2017.8.31,
22 The effect of attentional focus on motor learning in a mirror drawing task,2017 Asia Pacific Conference on Vision,台灣台南,2017.7.13 ~ 2017.7.17,
23 Can gaze cues induce inhibition of return under different task demands?,2017 Asia Pacific Conference on Vision,台灣台南,2017.7.13 ~ 2017.7.17,
24 Effect of aging on the collinear masking effect in visual search,2017 Asia Pacific Conference on Vision,台灣台南,2017.7.13 ~ 2017.7.17,
25 Concealed by the Most Salient Structure in Visual Search,2017 Asia Pacific Conference on Vision,成功大學,台灣台南,2017.7.13 ~ 2017.7.17,
26 Effect of display density on the collinear masking effect in visual search,2017 Asia Pacific Conference on Vision,台灣台南,2017.7.13 ~ 2017.7.17,
27 Where salience do not help in visual search: The collinear masking effect.,台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會 國立成功大學心理學系10 週年系慶 2016 年科技部心智科學腦影像研究計畫成果發表會,Tainan, Taiwan,2016.10.15 ~ 2016.10.16,
28 Effect of continuity in visual search,ICP 2016 (The 31st International Congress of Psychology),Yokohama, Japan,2016.7.24 ~ 2016.7.29,
29 The inhibition mechanism of social attention requests realistic evaluation.,ICP 2016 (The 31st International Congress of Psychology),Yokohama, Japan,2016.7.24 ~ 2016.7.29,
30 測試連續性與方位對比對共線遮蔽效果的影響,2015年台灣心理學會年會暨「學習、教學、與評量」國際研討會,台灣師範大學,台北,2015.10.17 ~ 2015.10.18,
31 探索與疾病共存之道 – 以注意力研究為例,2015年台灣心理學會年會暨「學習、教學、與評量」國際研討會,台灣師範大學,台北,2015.10.17 ~ 2015.10.18,
32 Eye-of-origin guides attention away: Search disadvantage by ocular singletons,European Conference on Visual Perception,Liverpool, UK,2015.8.22 ~ 2015.8.27,
33 Effect of local salience on the collinear masking effect,European Conference on Visual Perception,Liverpool, UK,2015.8.22 ~ 2015.8.27,
34 Does It Really Exist? Creating the collinear masking effect by illusory contours,European Conference on Visual Perception,Liverpool, UK,2015.8.22 ~ 2015.8.27,
35 Inhibition of return for eye gaze is determined by context of social interaction,第53屆台灣心理學年會,台北,台灣,2014.11.8 ~ 2014.11.9,
36 負荷理論的認知調節效果初探:以兩種工作記憶作業為例,第53屆台灣心理學年會,台北,台灣,2014.11.8 ~ 2014.11.9,
37 Temporal characteristics of the collinear masking effect in visual search,Theory and Methodlogy in Configural Perception Conference,台南,台灣,2014.9.26 ~ 2014.9.28,
38 Focus size of attention: Exploring the focus hypothesis on the collinear masking effect in visual search,Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,日本高松,2014.7.17 ~ 2014.7.24,
39 Inhibition of return to eye gaze develops in teenage,Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,日本高松,2014.7.19 ~ 2014.7.24,
40 The collinear masking effect can emerge as fast as 40 ms,Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,日本高松,2014.7.19 ~ 2014.7.24,
41 Exploring the focus hypothesis on the collinear masking effect in visual search,The 17th Conference on Attention and Perception,嘉義,台灣,2014.6.25 ~ 2014.6.26,
42 經干擾素-α治療而誘發憂鬱症患者的認知評估:以Stroop效應為例,臺灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,臺北,政治大學,2013.10.19 ~ 2013.10.20,
43 變焦的注意力:探索顯著物體阻撓搜尋的原因,臺灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,臺北,政治大學,2013.10.19 ~ 2013.10.20,
44 ,第9屆Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2013(APCV)亞太視知覺國際會議,蘇州,中國大陸,2013.7.5 ~ 2013.7.8,Orientation is different: Interaction between contour integration and feature contrasts in visual search
45 Collinear grouping and salience in visual search: Possible involvment of the crowding effect,第9屆Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2013(APCV)亞太視知覺國際會議,蘇州,中國大陸,2013.7.5 ~ 2013.7.8,
46 The configuration effect in visual search,Vision Sciences Society 13th annual meeting,Naples, Florida, U.S.A,2013.5.10 ~ 2013.5.15,
47 Social judgment deficits in ADHD : Evidence from emotional faces with different gaze directions,台灣心理學會第51屆年會暨學術研討會,亞洲大學,台中,2012.10.13 ~ 2012.10.14,
48 Salient local targets receive higher interference from collinear global distractors.,台灣心理學會第51屆年會暨學術研討會,亞洲大學,台中,2012.10.13 ~ 2012.10.14,
49 Attentional control setting did not alter the interference from global collinear distractor in visual search.,台灣心理學會第51屆年會暨學術研討會,亞洲大學,台中,2012.10.13 ~ 2012.10.14,
50 Attentional control setting did not alter the interference from global collinear distractor in visual search,2012 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,仁川,韓國首爾,2012.7.13 ~ 2012.7.15,
51 Salient local targets receive higher interference from collinear global distractors,2012 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,仁川,韓國首爾,2012.7.13 ~ 2012.7.15,
52 Deficits on preference but not attention in patients with depression: Evidence from the gaze cue,2012 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,仁川,韓國首爾,2012.7.13 ~ 2012.7.15,
53 ,第十六屆注意力與知覺研討會,中正大學,嘉義,2012.6.25 ~ 2012.6.26,
54 顯著的局部目標更容易受到整體刺激的干擾,第4屆神經科學與認知科學研究所研討會,台中, 台灣,2012.5.4 ~ 2012.5.4,
55 為何顯著的物體會阻撓搜尋?目標物形狀的影響,第4屆神經科學與認知科學研究所研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳/1樓104講堂,2012.5.4 ~ 2012.5.4,
56 Deep Brain Stimulation of Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson’s Disease impairs inhibitory function of automaticity,第4屆神經科學與認知科學研究所研討會,台中, 台灣,2012.5.4 ~ 2012.5.4,
57 Is it true? Better cognitive reserve means better drug response: Predicting Donapezil Response in Dementia of Alzheimer Type,台灣心理學會第50屆年會暨學術研討會,台中, 台灣,2011.10.15 ~ 2011.10.16,
58 The Effect of Aging on Inhibitory Processing,台灣心理學會第50屆年會暨學術研討會,台中, 台灣,2011.10.15 ~ 2011.10.16,
59 Social judgment affected by emotion of gazed faces in ADHD,台灣心理學會第50屆年會暨學術研討會,台中, 台灣,2011.10.15 ~ 2011.10.16,
60 Facial features can induce emotion: Evidence from affective priming tasks,台灣心理學會第50屆年會暨學術研討會,台中, 台灣,2011.10.15 ~ 2011.10.16,
61 Facial features can induce emotion: Evidence from affective priming tasks.,The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2011,Hong kong, China,2011.7.15 ~ 2011.7.18,
62 Adolescents pay more attention to gaze than children and adults,The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2011,Hong kong, China,2011.7.15 ~ 2011.7.18,
63 Eyes do not have it: A collinear salient line interferes with visual search responses but not eye movements,The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2011,Hong kong, China,2011.7.15 ~ 2011.7.18,
64 Cognitive functioning in interferon-induced depression,International Symposium of the 30th Anniversary of CMUH: Mind-Body Interface - From Cells to Clinics,台中,台灣,2010.11.5 ~ 2010.11.5,
65 Testing General Cognitive Slowing in Patients with Depression,International Symposium of the 30th Anniversary of CMUH: Mind-Body Interface - From Cells to Clinics,台中, 台灣,2010.11.5 ~ 2010.11.5,
66 Expectation Overcomes the Impairments Induced by a Large Task-irrelevant Salient Line in Visual Search,The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,Taipei, Taiwan,2010.7.23 ~ 2010.7.26,
67 Neutral Features Induce Emotion in Schematic Faces,The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,Taipei, Taiwan,2010.7.23 ~ 2010.7.26,
68 Test of the Automaticity in Depression: An Example of the Stroop Effect,The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision,Taipei, Taiwan,2010.7.22 ~ 2010.7.26,
69 Top-down and bottom-up controls in visual search: Evidence from a large task-irrelevant salient distracter.,The 10th Annual Meeting of Vision Science Society,Naples, FL, USA,2010.5.7 ~ 2010.5.12,
70 Executive function deficits in Depression: general or task-specific?,The 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting,Montreal, Canada,2010.4.17 ~ 2010.4.20,
71 A Componential Analysis of Task-Set Switching in Parkinson’s Disease.,The 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting,Montreal, Canada,2010.4.17 ~ 2010.4.20,
72 Localization contributes to feature binding: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study,Annual Meeting of Vision Science Society,Naples, Florida, USA,2009.5.8 ~ 2009.5.13,Localization contributes to feature binding: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study
73 Bottom-up information is sufficient to impair or facilitate visual search,The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness,Taipei, Taiwan,2008.6.19 ~ 2008.6.22,
74 Bayesian inference accounts for the filling-in and suppression of visual perception of bars by context.,Computational and Systems Neuroscience,Salt Lake City, Utah, USA,2008.2.28 ~ 2008.3.2,
75 Contribution of location uncertainty and feature similarity to illusory conjunction of basic visual features under limited attention,The 7th Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society,Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A,2007.5.11 ~ 2007.5.16,
76 Orientation texture bars along an edge of a texture are more salient when they are parallel to the edge: Evidence from change detection,European Conference on Visual Perception,St Petersburg, Russia,2006.8.20 ~ 2006.8.26,
77 Modulation of contrast detection threshold by the configuration and contrast of the context [Abstract].,The 6th Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society,Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A,2006.5.5 ~ 2006.5.9,
78 Variation of detection threshold with the collinear flanker contrast: Influence of prior-based filling-in on signal detection.,Christmas Meeting of Applied Visual Association,Aston, UK,2005.12.19 ~ 2005.12.19,
79 A salience ripple in a homogeneous field: Evidence supporting the V1 salience model.,European Conference on Visual Perception,A Coruña, Spain,2005.8.22 ~ 2005.8.26,
80 A salience ripple in a homogeneous field.,Easter Meeting of Applied Visual Association (AVA),Bristol, UK,2005.3.23 ~ 2005.3.23,
81 Attentional priority for task-irrelevant onset: Explained by a parallel interactive model.,The International Conference on Attentional Control,嘉義,台灣,2005.1.5 ~ 2005.1.7,
82 Attentional prioritization on motion of object but not on motion of texture.,The International Conference on Attentional Control,嘉義,台灣,2005.1.5 ~ 2005.1.7,
83 The relative role of the top-down and bottom-up effects in selective attention.,The 28th International Congress of Psychology,Beijing, China.,2004.8.8 ~ 2004.8.13,
84 Higher priority in processing for task-irrelevant salient stimuli: Explained by a parallel interactive model,The 4th Annual Meeting of Vision ScienceS Society,Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A,2004.4.30 ~ 2004.5.5,
85 A parallel interactive model of attentional capture.,The 4th Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society,Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A,2004.4.30 ~ 2004.5.5,
86 Role of salient transients in attentional capture by irrelevant onsets.,The 3rd Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society,Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A,2003.5.9 ~ 2003.5.14,
87 Role of structure and component in Chinese character recognition: Evidence from orthographic priming and repetition blindness.,The Tenth International Conference on Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Related Asian Langu,台北,台灣,2002.12.9 ~ 2002.12.11,
88 Role of character structure in judgments of visual similarity of Chinese characters for children in elementary school,第四屆華人心理學家國際學術研討會暨第六屆華人心理與行為科際學術研討會,台北, 台灣,2002.11.7 ~ 2002.11.9,
89 On defining the condition of stimulus-driven attentional capture. European Conference on Visual Perception,European Conference on Visual Perception,Glasgow, UK,2002.8.25 ~ 2002.8.29,
90 The cue validity and compatibility effects of the irrelevant onset distractor.,European Conference on Visual Perception,Glasgow, UK,2002.8.25 ~ 2002.8.29,
91 Attentional capture without display-wide attentional setting: evidence from inattentional blindness.,European Conference on Visual Perception,Glasgow, UK,2002.8.25 ~ 2002.8.29,
92 Do Chinese and Americans see opposite apparent motion? Replicated and revised.,The 2nd Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society,Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A,2002.5.10 ~ 2002.5.15,
93 Chinese character recognition: Repetition blindness of whole and part of Chinese character.,The 40th Annual Conference of Chinese Psychological Association,嘉義 台灣,2001.9.21 ~ 2001.9.21,
94 Submorphemic processing in visual recognition of Chinese character: evidence from repetition blindness for sub-character component.,European Conference on Visual Perception,Kusadasi, Turkey,2001.8.26 ~ 2001.8.30,
95 The uniqueness of abrupt onset in capturing attention: evidence from inattentional blindness.,European Conference on Visual Perception,Kusadasi, Turkey,2001.8.26 ~ 2001.8.30,
96 Perceptual organization with and without attention. European Conference on Visual Perception,European Conference on Visual Perception,Kusadasi, Turkey,2001.8.26 ~ 2001.8.30,
97 Repetition blindness for radical: the main cause of the inhibitory orthographic priming effect in Chinese character recognition.,European Conference on Visual Perception,Kusadasi, Turkey,2001.8.26 ~ 2001.8.30,
98 Mechanism of illusory line motion: Chinese character as a probe.,The 39th Annual Conference of Chinese Psychological Association,台北, 台灣,2000.9.17 ~ 2000.9.17,
99 Holistic structure and composition part of Chinese character: Evidence from repetition blindness.,The 39th Annual Conference of Chinese Psychological Association,台北, 台灣,2000.9.17 ~ 2000.9.17,
100 中文字形的抑制效果:部件與結構的作用(The role of structure and component in visual similarity of Chinese characters.),第一屆台灣認知科學研討會: 認知心理學的回顧與前瞻(The First Annual Conference on Cognitive Science in Taiwan),嘉義, 台灣,2000.6.23 ~ 2000.6.25,
101 The Influence of Learning Experience and Cognitive Structure on the Classification of the Shapes of Chinese Characters.,第三屆亞洲社會心理學會年會(Third Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology),台北,台灣,1999.8.4 ~ 1999.8.7,
102 Factors that influence similarity of Chinese character.,The 37th Annual Conference of Chinese Psychological Association,台北,台灣,1998.9.13 ~ 1998.9.18,
103 Two stages in processing Chinese character.,第二屆華人心理學家學術研討會(The Second International Conference for Chinese Psychologist),香港,1997.12.10 ~ 1997.12.18,
104 Form perception of Chinese character.,The 35th Annual Conference of Chinese Psychological Association,台北, 台灣,1996.9.22 ~ 1996.9.22,