研討會論文/Conference Papers

1 ,THRS AF Imaging Consensus,台中日月千禧酒店5樓VEE05會議室,2025.2.22 ~ 2025.2.22,
2 ,2024年國際心血管疾病高峰會議,臺中榮民總醫院,2024.12.8 ~ 2024.12.8,
3 Targeting OXD-201 with Engineered Exosomes Loaded with Gene Silencer for Atherosclerosis Treatment: A Novel Therapeutic Approach,國際外泌體前瞻研究與創新治療論壇,中國醫藥大學水湳校本部 卓越B2國際會議,2024.11.2 ~ 2024.11.2,
4 The combination use of GLP-1RA and TZD for mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes: A nationwide comparative study,臺灣內科醫學會113年會員大會暨學術演講會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2024.11.30 ~ 2024.12.1,
5 ,Heart Failure Leadership Forum — Optimize HF Patients Management,台中金典酒店13樓 梅花廳,2024.11.16 ~ 2024.11.16,
6 Antiplatelet Therapy in CYP2C19 Normal Metabolizers Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Retrospective Cohort Study,2024年臺灣藥學聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學水湳校區,2024.11.16 ~ 2024.11.17,
7 ,2024 POST-ESC SYMPOSIA OF TSOC(台中場),台中裕元花園酒店B1國際演講廳,2024.11.23 ~ 2024.11.23,
8 ,第二屆京都大學-中國醫藥大學雙邊研討會The 2nd Kyoto University – China Medical University Joint Symposium,中國醫藥大學卓越大樓2樓-史丹佛會議室,2024.11.19 ~ 2024.11.19,
9 ,2024 THRS 秋季學術研討會,台南遠東香格里拉飯店,2024.10.5 ~ 2024.10.6,
10 ,68th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Korean Society of Cardiology(KSC2024),Grand Walkerhill,Seoul, Korea,2024.10.18 ~ 2024.10.20,Hidden Threats: Navigating ARVC in the World of Sports
11 ,Shaping the Future of Arrhythmia Care: Precision, Innovation, and Evidence in AFib Management,台中林酒店7樓台灣廳,2024.9.21 ~ 2024.9.21,
12 ,17th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS 2024),International Covention Centre, Sydney, Australia,2024.9.26 ~ 2024.9.29,Sudden cardiac death prevention in Taiwan
13 ,17th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS 2024),International Covention Centre, Sydney, Australia,2024.9.26 ~ 2024.9.29,Next-Generation Devices: Digital Trends in Electrophysiology Instrumentation
14 ,17th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS 2024),International Covention Centre, Sydney, Australia,2024.9.26 ~ 2024.9.29,Challenges and Opportunities: Integrating AI in Electrophysiology Practice
15 ,2024 CV Board Review Course,Zoom 線上會議,2024.7.21 ~ 2024.7.21,
16 ,中華民國心臟學會第54屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2024.6.1 ~ 2024.6.2,
17 Comparative Study of Electrical and Non-Electrical Characteristics in Ventricular Arrhythmias Arising from Aortic Sinuses of Valsalva versus Right Ventricular Outflow Tract,Heart Rhythm 2024 (2024 美國心律醫學會年會),Boston, MA,2024.5.16 ~ 2024.5.19,
18 ,Symposium of 2024 Guidelines of the TSOC on the Primary Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular【中區】,台中日月千禧酒店五樓VEE 5,2024.3.3 ~ 2024.3.3,
19 ,TSOC ECG Course- Building up Your ECG Interpretation Skill: Self-Test with Interactive Workshop,台中日月千禧酒店B2宴會廳,2024.3.2 ~ 2024.3.2,
20 ,2024 THRS Annual Conference in Conjunction with International Forum of Ventricular Arrhythmia,台北君悅酒店3樓,2024.3.23 ~ 2024.3.24,Innovations in Cardiac Emergency: Multi-Label AI in Detecting Rhythm Disorders and Acute STEMI in 12-Lead ECGs and Its Remote Applications in Prehospital Care
21 ,5th Kyoto University Life Science Showcase,Roth Auditorium at Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, San Diego,CA,2024.2.26 ~ 2024.2.26,First-in-Human Pilot Trial of Combined Intracoronary and Intravenous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction
22 ,2023 TSOC Winter Scientific Meeting,台中金典酒店,2023.12.16 ~ 2023.12.17,
23 ,The APSC Cloud Forum of Cardiovascular Diseases: " Hunting Precision Targets in Atrial Fibrillation Therapy : Who, When and How ",Cloud webinar,2023.12.27 ~ 2023.12.27,
24 ,2023 THRS 秋季學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院研究大樓 第一會議室,2023.11.25 ~ 2023.11.26,
25 ,2023 THRS 秋季學術研討會,台中榮民總醫院研究大樓 第三會議室,2023.11.25 ~ 2023.11.26,THRS & NSTC Joint Symposium: 與審查委員交流-國科會計畫常見的優缺點
26 renal hemorrhage:a rare complication of transcatheter aortic valve implantation,EURO PCR LONDON VALVE,LONDON,2023.11.19 ~ 2023.11.21,
27 ,16th APHRS Scientific Session (APHRS 2023),Hong Kong Convention Convention and Exhibition Centre,2023.9.1 ~ 2023.9.3,How to Place a HB Lead
28 ,APHRS Asia Interventional EP Curriculum VT Module 2023,Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan,2023.8.18 ~ 2023.8.19,Diagnosis and Ablation of LVOT-VT - Case Study, Group Discussion and Q&A
29 LDL electronegativity and male predominance in early ventricular tachyarrhythmias following ST-elevation myocardial infarction: evidence of sexual dimorphism associated reduction of sodium currents,ESC Congress 2023,荷蘭阿姆斯丹,2023.8.25 ~ 2023.8.28,
30 ,秀傳醫療體系成立50週年暨中華民國醫用超音波學會學術研討會,秀傳醫療財團法人彰濱秀傳紀念醫院,2023.7.8 ~ 2023.7.8,
31 ,2023 CV Board Review Course,Zoom 線上會議,2023.7.23 ~ 2023.7.23,
32 ,2023 POST HRS HIGHLIGHT SYMPOSIUM,張榮發基金會國際會議中心10樓1006會議室,2023.6.18 ~ 2023.6.18,
33 Superiority of an Interactive Preprocedural Computed Tomography Planning Versus Transesophageal Echocardiography in Assisting One-Stop Left Atrial AppendageOcclusion with Concomitant Pulmonary Veins Isolation Procedure,Heart Rhythm 2023 (2023 美國心律醫學會年會),New Orleans, LA,2023.5.19 ~ 2023.5.21,
34 ,2023 THRS年會暨亞太心律醫學會高峰會及國際心室心律不整大會,台北萬豪酒店,2023.3.18 ~ 2023.3.19,
35 ,2022-2023 TSOC Preventive Medicine Express-5(預防醫學列車系列五),台中裕元花園酒店,2023.3.26 ~ 2023.3.26,
36 ,NIH Medical AI Seminar Series: Leveraging AI for Smart Health,Zoom 線上會議,2023.3.17 ~ 2023.3.17,Smart Heart AI
37 ,42週年院慶學術研討會_2022智慧醫療國際研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳,2022.12.18 ~ 2022.12.18,AI輔助STEMI診斷,從急診到院前救護之運用
38 ,中華民國心臟學會冬季會,大台南會展中心,2022.12.17 ~ 2022.12.18,
39 ,What is The Consideration for Lipid Treatment for Primary Prevention in Asian,Zoom 線上會議,2022.12.17 ~ 2022.12.17,
40 ,Everything you should know about HF treatment in 2022,台中日月千禧酒店,2022.12.10 ~ 2022.12.10,
41 ,15th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Socierty Scientific Session (APHRS 2022),新加坡 Singapore,2022.11.18 ~ 2022.11.20,Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) in Myocarditis
42 Protection of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells overexpressed with PD-L1 and AKT in a myocardial infarction rat model,American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2022(AHA),Chicago, Illinois, USA,2022.11.5 ~ 2022.12.7,
43 ,15th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Socierty Scientific Session (APHRS 2022),新加坡 Singapore,2022.11.18 ~ 2022.11.20,Sudden Cardiac Death- How to Identify Patients at Possible Increased Risk
44 ,2022 THRS 秋季學術研討會,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.10.15 ~ 2022.10.16,
45 ,2022國際心血管疾病高峰會議,台中榮總研究大樓,2022.10.1 ~ 2022.10.1,
46 ,AF Symphony Series- Clinical burdens and unmet needs of patients with atrial fibrillation & Multiple Comorbidities,台北遠東香格里拉飯店,2022.9.24 ~ 2022.9.24,
47 ,中華民國心臟學會第52屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2022.8.6 ~ 2022.8.7,Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Triage System to Accelerate Door-to-Balloon Times
48 The Timing and Outcomes of Balloon Atrial Septostomy for Left Atrial Decompression During Extracorporeal Membrane,中華民國心臟學會第五十二屆年會,台北國際會展中心3樓宴會廳,2022.8.6 ~ 2022.8.7,
49 Long-term follow up of atrial and ventricular response to treatment of premature ventricular complexes,中華民國心臟學會第五十二屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心三樓,2022.8.6 ~ 2022.8.7,
50 Tissues attached to retrieved left bundle pacing leads: Histopathological evaluation of tissue composition in relation to difficult lead advancement,中華民國心臟學會第五十二屆年會,台北國際會展中心,2022.8.6 ~ 2022.8.7,
51 ,2022 TSOC-Chronic Coronary Syndrome Guidelines (III) :Stop A Heart Attack Before It Happens_ Optimal Medical Therapy (OMT) (Webinar Meeting),視訊會議,2022.7.2 ~ 2022.7.2,
52 ,2022 TSOC Preserved Ejection Fraction Heart Failure Forum,視訊會議,2022.7.3 ~ 2022.7.3,
53 ,2022 POST HRS HIGHLIGHT SYMPOSIUM,Zoom視訊軟體,2022.7.9 ~ 2022.7.9,
54 ,What is The Consideration for Lipid Treatment for Primary Prevention in Asian,Zoom視訊軟體,2022.7.30 ~ 2022.7.30,
55 ,111年度『2022 Guidelines of the TSOC and THS for the Management of Hypertension』巡迴(台中/台北),台中日月千禧酒店,2022.4.17 ~ 2022.4.17,
56 ,Heart Rhythm Society 2022 Annual Conference,美國San Francisco,2022.4.29 ~ 2022.5.1,Mechanism-Driven Therapies of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy
57 ,THRS 2022 Electrophysiology in Post-Pandemic Era (Hybrid),Taipei Marriott Hotel,2022.3.19 ~ 2022.3.20,
58 ,中區心臟血管學術會,永豐棧麗緻酒店A棟3樓劍橋廳,2022.3.26 ~ 2022.3.26,RVOT and pulmonary valve tumor in a 84-year-old man with presentation of syncope
59 ,台灣內科醫學會「110 年會員大會暨學術演講會」,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.12.4 ~ 2021.12.5,
60 ,2022 Focused Update of the 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines of High Risk Patients,視訊會議,2021.12.18 ~ 2021.12.18,
61 ,中華民國心臟學會冬季會,視訊會議,2021.12.18 ~ 2021.12.19,
62 ,2021 Draft Lipid Guideline Primary Prevention of CVD,Zoom視訊軟體,2021.10.2 ~ 2021.10.2,
63 ,TSOC法布瑞氏症交流研討會(中區),Zoom視訊軟體,2021.10.2 ~ 2021.10.2,
64 ,Expert Talk Series- connection test “ Clinical experience with new technology in PsAF,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2021.10.22 ~ 2021.10.22,Clinical experience sharing- Current Strategies for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
65 ,『WeForHer Forum — Cardiovascular Disease in Women』,視訊,2021.9.5 ~ 2021.9.5,
66 ,2021 THRS秋季學術研討會,Zoom視訊軟體,2021.9.25 ~ 2021.9.26,Updated Trial Data on Catheter Ablation of AF
67 ,TSOC 2021 Great Debate on the Treatment of Heart Failre,Zoom視訊軟體,2021.9.26 ~ 2021.9.26,
68 ,中華民國心臟學會第51屆年會暨學術演講會,全線上會議,2021.8.28 ~ 2021.8.29,Can AI Help in Heart Rhythm Cares?
69 ,中華民國心臟學會第 51 屆年會暨學術演講會,線上,2021.8.28 ~ 2021.8.29,Baseline Characteristics, Procedure Risks, and Clinical Outcomes in 105 Patients with Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Watchman Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion for Stroke Prevention
70 ,Cardio-Metabolic-Renal Forum_ SGLT-2 Inhibitor or GLP-1 RA: A Queen’s Gambit in Diabetic Care,採Zoom視訊軟體,2021.6.12 ~ 2021.6.12,
71 高血壓患者中醫精準醫學研究,2021第91屆國醫節第13屆台北國際中醫藥學術論壇,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.3.13 ~ 2021.3.14,
72 ,UPDATED AND IN-DEPTH SYMPOSIUM ON MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE,張榮發國際會議中心8樓801會議室,2021.3.7 ~ 2021.3.7,Updated and In-Depth Symposium on Management of Cardiovascular Disease
73 ,中華民國心臟學會 人工智慧於心血管疾病臨床應用研討會,高雄展覽館,2020.12.12 ~ 2020.12.13,如何利用Multi-Labeling AI 偵測心律不整與STEMI
74 ,海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會心血管專業委員會第十一屆年會暨第十一屆海峽心血管病高峰研討會(CSCSF),廈門大學附屬心血管病醫院,2020.11.12 ~ 2020.11.15,Combined 3D CT imaging and voltage mapping to predict arrhythmogenic triggers of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
75 ,2020 TSOC Consensus on the Management of Diabetes in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease,台中日月千禧酒店B2宴會廳,2020.10.18 ~ 2020.10.18,1. Overview; 2. Is Metformin Still the First Line for All?
76 ,重症醫學專科醫師聯合甄審委員會認證學分課程心臟重症Cardiac Critical Care,臺大醫院新竹分院6樓多媒體講堂,2020.10.17 ~ 2020.10.17,Life-Threatening Arrhythmia in ICU
77 ,人工智慧在心臟血管疾病之最新發展,集思北科大國際會議中心-感恩廳,2020.9.13 ~ 2020.9.13,AI showcase VI-AI 運用於心律不整的分類
78 ,中華民國血脂及動脈硬化學會一O九年度會員大會暨第二十屆台北國際血管分子生物學研討會,財團法人張榮發基金會,2020.9.26 ~ 2020.9.27,
79 A Simple SACAF Score in Comparison with Modified CHA2DS2-VASc Score in Predicting Witnessed VT/VF Sudden Death: A Report from Taiwan Multi-Center Registry Data on Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest,中華民國心律醫學會2020年會暨學術研討會,台北君悅酒店,2020.8.15 ~ 2020.8.16,
80 ,中華民國心律醫學會2020年會暨學術研討會,台北君悅酒店,2020.8.15 ~ 2020.8.16,Sudden Cardiac Death Registry in Asia Pacific Region
81 ,中華民國心臟學會第五十屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2020.7.25 ~ 2020.7.26,
82 Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Targeted Temperature Management through the Blockade of Interleukin-6 Trans-Signaling after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest,中華民國心臟學會第五十屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2020.7.25 ~ 2020.7.26,
83 Pulmonary Vein Myocardial Sleeve Extension Estimated By 3D Computed Tomography And Voltage Mapping Predict Arrhythmogenic Triggers Of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation,Heart Rhythm 41st Annual Scientific Sessions,San Diego, USA (因疫情調整為線上會議),2020.5.6 ~ 2020.5.9,
84 Electric Storm in a 54-Year-Old Female with Severe Heart Failure,內科108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心二樓大廳(台北市徐州路2號),2019.11.30 ~ 2019.12.1,
85 ,2019 TSOC Winter Scientific Meeting,台北萬豪酒店3樓 春夏廳,2019.11.23 ~ 2019.11.24,
86 ,16th edition Venice Arrhythmias 2019,Venice, Italy,2019.10.3 ~ 2019.10.5,Prevention of VT/VF-associated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: lessons from Taichung Sudden Unexpected Death Registry (THUNDER)
87 ,High-Density Mapping in Ventricular Arrhythmia Training Course,台北榮民總醫院,2019.9.20 ~ 2019.9.21,Electrogram characteristics in substrate VT: Identification of local abnormal ventricular activities and late potentials
88 Detection of High Ratio of Soluble to Membrane-Bound Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 in Aspirated Coronary Thrombi in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction,第十二屆亞太動脈硬化暨血管疾病大會(APSAVD 2019),張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2019.9.20 ~ 2019.9.22,
89 ,IBMS/Special Seminar,生物醫學研究所B1B演講廳,2019.8.5 ~ 2019.8.5,Potential Role of L5-LOX-1 signaling cascades in coronary plaque rupture and triggering of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in acute myocardial infarction
90 ,108年度重症醫學核心課程,國泰人壽大樓B1國際會議廳,2019.8.10 ~ 2019.8.11,Arrhythmia management in ICU
91 ,2019 CV Board Review Course,台北張榮發基金會8樓802會議室,2019.7.28 ~ 2019.7.28,Evaluation of Cardiac Vascular Patient, History, Physical Examination and Electrocardiography
92 ,中華民國心臟學會第四十九屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2019.5.18 ~ 2019.5.19,
93 ,THRS Annual Conference in Conjunction with 2019 International Forum of Ventricular Arrhythmia,台北張榮發基金會國際會議中心10樓 (台北市中山南路11號),2019.3.23 ~ 2019.3.24,Risk Stratification in Arrhythmogenic Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy
94 ,Grand Round,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓105教室,2019.2.1 ~ 2019.2.1,RFA to HCC:What you should know about percutaneousliver cancer ablation
95 Developing a Novel Risk Score (SHOCK-ABLE) for Predicting Shockable VT/VF Rhythm in Witness Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients: The THREATEN Study,Resuscitation Science Symposium 2018,Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A,2018.11.10 ~ 2018.11.11,
96 ,心臟衰竭急性後期照護課程,中國醫藥大學,2018.11.4 ~ 2018.11.4,藥師參與心臟衰竭照護
97 ,「2018台灣醫學週─台灣聯合醫學會學術演講會」暨「臺灣醫學會第111屆總會學術演講會」,台大醫院國際會議中心205會議室,2018.11.10 ~ 2018.11.11,心律不整性昏厥:如何確診與治療
98 Identification of Clinical and Electrocardiographic Risk Factors Associated with Shockable VT/VF Rhythm in Witnessed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients: The Threaten Study,11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session,台北國際會議廳,2018.10.17 ~ 2018.10.20,
99 ,11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session,台北國際會議廳,2018.10.17 ~ 2018.10.20,SCD 08: What do We Learn from the Clinical Trials and Registry Studies in SCD?
100 ,內科醫學會中部地區地區月會,中國醫藥大學104講堂,2018.9.22 ~ 2018.9.22,心因性中風病人,無法忍受抗凝劑,有沒有更好的治療方式?
101 ,2018 POST ESC HIGHLIGHT SYMPOSIUM,台北張榮發基金會議中心 10樓1002會議室,2018.9.8 ~ 2018.9.8,Arrhythmias and Device Therapy
102 Progressive left atrial appendage dysfunction in patients with atrial flutter combined with sporadic atrial fibrillation compared to isolated atrial flutter,HRS 2018,Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, U.S.A.,2018.5.9 ~ 2018.5.12,
103 Does Acute Chest Pain in Adolescents with Elevations of Troponin I and ST Segments of ECG a Disease of Microvascular Coronary Dysfunction?,台灣兒科醫學會-第232屆學術演講會,高雄醫學大學附設醫院,2017.11.18 ~ 2017.11.19,
104 ,Advanced 3D Workshop (Ensite TM)-提高手術安全性,台北張榮發基金會8樓802會議室,2017.7.1 ~ 2017.7.1,Case 3: High Density Mapping and Ablation of VT in HCM
105 Chronic Kidney Disease Disrupting Transmural Gradient of Transient Outward Potassium Current via Downregulation of KChIP2 May Promote Susceptibility to Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias.,American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2016,美國紐奧良,2016.11.12 ~ 2016.11.16,
106 Differential effects of statin in preventing new-onset atrial fibrillation between patients with and without chronic kidney disease,9th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session,韓國首爾,2016.10.11 ~ 2016.10.16,
107 ,APHRS 2016,首爾,2016.10.12 ~ 2016.10.15,Role of Electronegative LDL in Electrophysiological Remodeling in CKD
108 ,APHRS 2016,韓國首爾,2016.10.12 ~ 2016.10.15,Sudden Cardiac Death: What Do We Learn from the Thunder Registry in Taiwan?
109 Age-dependent impact of new ESC-guideline recommended door-to-balloon times on long-term survival rates in acute STEMI patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention,ESC ∞NGRESS ROME 2016,羅馬,2016.8.27 ~ 2016.8.31,
110 The additive impact of reduced symptom-to-door Time and door-to-balloon time on long-term survival rates in acute STEMI patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention,ESC ∞NGRESS ROME 2016,羅馬,2016.8.27 ~ 2016.8.31,
111 Pre-hospital Predictors of Initial VT/VF Rhythm in an East Asian Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Population: Evidence from the Taichung Sudden Unexpected Death Registry (THUNDER),2016 Heart Rhythm 37th Annual Scientific Sessions,美國舊金山,2016.5.4 ~ 2016.5.7,
112 Relationship Between Cancer and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Nation-Wide Prospective Population-Based Study,台灣心臟醫學會年會第四十六屆年會暨學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2016.5.14 ~ 2016.5.15,
113 Acute and Reversible ST Segment Anomalies in Specific Leads of ECG May Reflect a Transient Vessel Spasm Phenomenon Occurring in the Corresponding Coronary Arteries,臺灣兒科醫學會第226屆學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2016.4.23 ~ 2016.4.24,
114 Acute and Reversible Electrocardiographic ST Segment Anomalies in Adolescent Patients of Variant Angina Denote Their Specific Areas of Myocardial Ischemia and the Corresponding Coronary Arteries of Transient Spasm,臺灣兒科醫學會第226屆學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2016.4.23 ~ 2016.4.24,
115 ,2016 ACC Meeting,美國芝加哥,2016.4.2 ~ 2016.4.4,Prevalence and prognosis of Brugada ECG patterns in a Han Chinese population
116 ,高血脂治療準則共識會議,台中林酒店,2016.1.31 ~ 2016.1.31,Current status of dyslipidemia (LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG) treatment for secondary prevention in Taiwan: What do we learn from T-SPARCLE Registry?
117 Therapeutic Hypothermia and Immediate Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is associated with better survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,台灣內科醫學會 104 年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2015.12.5 ~ 2015.12.6,
118 Risk factors and in-hospital outcome of acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in young Taiwan adults,台灣內科醫學會 104 年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2015.12.5 ~ 2015.12.6,
119 ,中華民國心臟學會冬季學術研討會暨亞太心臟超音波會議,高雄君鴻酒店,2015.12.11 ~ 2015.12.13,What is New with LCZ696: An Overview of the Latest Subgroup Data
120 Angiotensinogen promoter polymorphism G-152A is associated with acquired atrioventricular block via modulating gene expression,APHRS 2015, Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions,墨爾本,2015.11.19 ~ 2015.11.22,
121 ,2015 8th APHRS,澳洲墨爾本,2015.11.19 ~ 2015.11.22,Using CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED in everyday clinical practice
122 Role of Pulmonary Vein Size in Predicting Arrhythmogenic Triggers during Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation.,2015 APHRS Scientific Sessions,澳洲墨爾本,2015.11.19 ~ 2015.11.22,
123 ,Year Review for Critical Care Medicine 2015,台大醫院國際會議中心401會場,2015.10.18 ~ 2015.10.18,Sudden Cardiac Death-Taiwan Experiences
124 Chronic osteomyelitis as a new risk factor for incident atrial fibrillation:evidence from a nationwide cohort of 23 million people,2015 歐洲心臟學會年會,英國倫敦,2015.8.27 ~ 2015.9.4,
125 ,台灣老年學暨老年醫學會期中研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓101教室,2015.8.16 ~ 2015.8.16,心房顫動的中風風險與治療
126 ,2015 Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology Training Course,台北王朝大飯店,2015.6.14 ~ 2015.6.14,Atrial Flutter & Case Discussion
127 Transforming growth factor-β1 T869C gene polymorphism is associated with acquired sick sinus syndrome via linking a higher serum protein level,Heart Rhythm 2015, The Heart Rhythm Society’s 36th Annual Scientific Sessions,Boston, USA,2015.5.13 ~ 2015.5.16,
128 Low Incidence of Ventricular Tachycardia/Fibrillation as the First Presenting Rhythm in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients: Evidence From the Taichung Sudden Unexpected Death Registry (THUNDER) in East Asia,American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2014,Chicago, USA,2014.11.15 ~ 2014.11.19,
129 Combined laser and drug eluting ballon for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superficial femoral artery Disease,中華民國急救加護學會第十七屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心2-3樓,2014.10.18 ~ 2014.10.19,
131 Increased risk of coronary heart disease in patients with chronic osteomyelitis : a population-based study in a cohort of 23 million,歐洲心臟學會年會,西班牙,2014.8.30 ~ 2014.9.3,
132 Common NOS1AP Variants Regulate the QTc-Prolonging Effect of Methadone in Patients with Heroin Dependence.,2014 Heart Rhythm 35th Annual Scientific Sessions 美國心律醫學會,美國舊金山,2014.5.7 ~ 2014.5.10,
133 Transforming growth factor-β1 T869C gene polymorphism linked to a high serum protein level is associated with non-familial sick sinus syndrome,台灣心律學會年會 2014,台北,2014.3.8 ~ 2014.3.9,
134 An idiopathic VT originated from high septum of right ventricle with possible linkage in arrhythmia substrate with a junctional tachycardia,台灣心律學會 2014 年會,Taipei,2014.3.8 ~ 2014.3.9,
135 Anti-hypertension Regiment Can Not Effectively Prevent Creatinine Doubling in Patients with Stage 3 Hypertension Combined Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Kidney Disease,中華民國心臟學會第43屆年會,台北國際會議中心,2013.5.17 ~ 2013.5.19,
136 以前壁ST段上升表現的右冠狀動脈心肌梗塞,台灣內科醫學會101年年會,台大醫學院,2012.12.1 ~ 2012.12.2,
137 Hyperperfusion Syndrome After Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in Radio-cephalic Arterio-venous Fistula:Case Report,CCT 2012,Japan,2012.11.2 ~ 2012.11.4,
138 Hyperfusion Syndrome After Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in Radio-cephalic Arteriovenous Fistula:Case Report,Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2012,japan,2012.11.2 ~ 2012.11.4,
139 Application of Kissing Balloon Techmique in Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula Stenosis:Case Report,CCT 2012,Japan,2012.11.2 ~ 2012.11.4,
140 Mechanisms of Cardiac Diastolic Dysfunction in a Model of Cardiorenal Syndrome,American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012,Los Angeles, California, USA,2012.11.3 ~ 2012.11.7,
141 The DNA Damage Response Mediates Endothelial Cell Senescence Induced by Electronegative LDL,American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012,Los Angeles, California, USA,2012.11.3 ~ 2012.11.7,
142 The DNA Damage Response Mediates Endothelial Cell Senescence Induced by Electronegative LDL,American Heart Association Scientific Session 2012,Los Angeles, California, USA,2012.11.3 ~ 2012.11.7,
143 Expression of the Highly Electronegative LDL Receptor LOX-1 Is Increased in Thrombi of STEMI Patients,American Heart Association Scientific Session 2012,Los Angeles, California, USA,2012.11.3 ~ 2012.11.7,
144 Expression of the Highly Electronegative LDL Receptor LOX-1 Is Increased in Thrombi of STEMI Patients,AHA Scientific Sessions 2012,Los Angeles,2012.10.31 ~ 2012.11.9,
145 ,中華民國心臟學會2012秋季學術研討會,台中金典酒店,2012.9.7 ~ 2012.9.9,PET/CT Hybrid Imaging in Atherosclerotic Vascular Diseases
146 Successful PTA to Paget-Schroetter Disease in a Case With Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome,APSC Subspecialty Congress-Intervention and Imaging 2012,Taipei International Convention Center,2012.5.4 ~ 2012.5.6,
147 Successful intervention with rotablation in PAOD with CTO of infra-geniculate artery,Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics ASIA PACIFIC(TCTAP 2012),Seoul, Korea,2012.4.24 ~ 2012.4.27,
148 Electronegative Low-Density Lipoprotein Induces Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis Through a Chemokine-Cytokine Crosstalk Mechanism,American College of Cardiology 61st Annual Scientific Sessions,Chicago, USA,2012.3.24 ~ 2012.3.27,
149 ,New Frontier in Diagnosis and Management of CV Diseases in 2010,台中市中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2011.11.21 ~ 2011.11.21,Men Are More Susceptible Than Women to Methadone-Associated QTc Prolongation During Treatment for Heroin Dependence
150 Digoxin Use is Associated With an Increased Risk of Stroke in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation a Population-Based Cohort Study,Scientific Sessions 2011,America, Florida,2011.11.12 ~ 2011.11.16,
151 Atrial Fibrillation is a Strong Predictor of Stroke in Young Taiwanese Adults,Scientific Sessions 2011,America, Florida,2011.11.12 ~ 2011.11.16,
152 ,The 4th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session,Fukuoka, Japan,2011.9.20 ~ 2011.9.22,Sudden Cardiac Death in Taiwan
153 Radiotherapy provokes carotid arteries inflammation with increased uptake of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose detected by positron emssion tomography/computed tomography scans in head and neck cancer patients,European Society of Cardaology Congress 2011,Paris, France,2011.8.27 ~ 2011.8.31,
154 ,第二屆台灣核子心臟學術研討會,彰濱秀傳紀念醫院微創中心一樓會議廳,2011.7.2 ~ 2011.7.2,
155 Current of Injury is not a Prerequisite Indicator for Adequate Placement of Active Fixation Ventricular Lead,Heart Rhythm 2011, the Heart Rhythm Society's 32nd Annual Scientific Sessions,San Francisco, California,2011.5.4 ~ 2011.5.7,
156 Prolonged Door-to-Balloon Time Correlates with In-hospital Diastolic Dysfunction in Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,中華民國心臟學會41屆年會,中華民國心臟學會,2011.5.14 ~ 2011.5.15,
157 Radiotherapy Potentiates Vascular Inflammation with Increased Uptake of F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as Detected by Serial Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography Scans in Pharyngeal Cancer Patients,中華民國心臟學會41屆年會,中華民國心臟學會,2011.5.14 ~ 2011.5.15,
158 Men Are More Susceptible Than Women to Methadone-Associated QTc Prolongation During Treatment for Heroin Dependence,Cardiac EPS Meeting,Chicago, USA,2010.11.13 ~ 2010.11.13,
159 ,When Interventional Cardiologists Meet Cardiac Surgeons 2010,台北振興醫院,2010.11.6 ~ 2010.11.7,
160 Succesful Intervention of Bilateral Coronay Ostial Lesions: A case of Syphilis Diagnosed by Initial Clue from 64-MDCT,4TH IMAGING & PHYSIOLOGY SUMMIT 2010,Asan Medical Center,Seoul, Korea,2010.10.29 ~ 2010.10.30,Succesful Intervention of Bilateral Coronay Ostial Lesions: A case of Syphilis Diagnosed by Initial Clue from 64-MDCT
161 ,台灣心律不整學術會第三屆年會,台南奇美醫院12F會議室,2010.8.22 ~ 2010.8.22,Repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia of outflow tracts and “fascicular” left ventricular tachycardia: drugs vs. catheter ablation.
162 Ascertaining the Hypothesis That Current of Injury Is Reliable for Adequate Active Fixation in 5076,財團法人臺灣醫學發展基金會論文獎,台大醫學院,2010.8.14 ~ 2010.8.14,
163 On-Site Cardiology Team-based Approach in the Emergency Department Significantly Reduces Door-to-balloon Times in Acute ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,中華民國心臟學會年會,台北市,2010.5.22 ~ 2010.5.23,
164 ,中西結合心臟醫學學術研討會,台中市中國醫藥大學,2010.5.30 ~ 2010.5.30,心臟衰竭的西醫診斷與治療
165 Intervention in PAOD with CTO of lower limb.report of one case,中部地區心臟血管學術研討會,澄清綜合醫院中港院區十七樓講堂,2010.3.25 ~ 2010.3.25,
166 ,2010 年台灣心律不整學術會第一次季會,台中市中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2010.3.27 ~ 2010.3.27,
167 Coronary Lesions Identified on 64-MDCT As An Initial Clue for Diagnosis of Syphilis,Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2010,日本神戶,2010.1.29 ~ 2010.1.29,
168 Atrial Fibrillation Patients Predominantly Present Ischemic Stroke with Seasonal Incidence Variation Compared to Non-Atrial Fibrillation Patients: A Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan,SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 2009 ( 2009美國心臟學會年會 ),Orlando, Florida,2009.11.14 ~ 2009.11.18,
170 Atrial Fibrillation Patients Predominantly Present Ischemic Stroke with Seasonal Incidence Variation Compared to Non-Atrial Fibrillation Patients: A Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan,SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 2009 ( 2009美國心臟學會年會 ),Orlando, USA.,2009.11.14 ~ 2009.11.18,
171 An extensive recess in the cavotricuspid isthmus identified by transthoracic three-dimensional echocardiography in atrial flutter ablation,Heart Rhythm 2009,Boston, US,2009.5.13 ~ 2009.5.16,
172 G-6A polymorphism associated with sick sinus syndrome modulates the gene expression of human angiotensinogen,Heart Rhythm 2009,Boston, US,2009.5.13 ~ 2009.5.16,
173 Sex as an Independent Risk Factor for Adverse Events following Carotid Stenting for Cardotid Artery Stenosis: Acute and Long-Term Follow-Up Results,TCT Asia Pacific 2009,韓國首爾,2009.4.22 ~ 2009.4.24,
174 Examination of diabetes as an Independent risk factor for adverse events following cardotid stenting for cardotid artery stenosis: acute and long-term follow-up results,9th International Course on Carotid Angioplasty and Other Cerebrovascular Interventions,Frankfurt, Germany,2008.12.3 ~ 2008.12.5,
175 Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm in A Patient with Invasive Aspergillosis: A Case Report,中華民國醫用超音波學會2008年會,台北國際會議中心,2008.11.1 ~ 2008.11.2,
176 Radial Artery Pseudoaneurysm: A Rare Complication of Transradial Artery Puncture,中華民國醫用超音波學會2008年會,台北國際會議中心,2008.11.1 ~ 2008.11.2,
177 Experience of Tornus and Rotablator Use in PAOD,中華民國心臟第三十八屆年會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.10.25 ~ 2008.10.26,
178 Pulmonary Emboli after Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Taiwanese with Protein C Deficiency-Case Report,中華民國心臟學會第三十八屆年會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.10.25 ~ 2008.10.26,
179 Fractured Wire Retrieval by Home Made Snare: Report of One Case,中華民國心臟學會第三十八屆年會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.10.25 ~ 2008.10.26,
180 Feasibility of Kissing Balloon Technique in Radio-cephalic Arterio-venous Fistula Anastomotic Stenosis in Dialysis Patients,中華民國心臟學會第三十八屆年會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.10.25 ~ 2008.10.26,
181 Fractured rota wire retrieval by microsnare: report of one case,中華民國急救加護醫學會第十四屆第一次會員(代表)大會暨學術研討會--心血管暨胸腔病人之急重症照護,台北榮民總醫院,2008.10.4 ~ 2008.10.5,
182 Radial artery pseudoaneurysm: a rare complication of transradial artery puncture,中華民國急救加護醫學會第十四屆第一次會員(代表)大會暨學術研討會--心血管暨胸腔病人之急重症照護,台北榮民總醫院,2008.10.4 ~ 2008.10.5,
183 Feasibility of kissing balloon technique in radio-cephalic arterio-venous fistula anastomotic stenosis in dailysis patients,中華民國急救加護醫學會第十四屆第一次會員(代表)大會暨學術研討會--心血管暨胸腔病人之急重症照護,台北榮民總醫院,2008.10.4 ~ 2008.10.5,
184 Experience of tornus and rotablator use in a patient with critical limb ischemia,中華民國急救加護醫學會第十四屆第一次會員(代表)大會暨學術研討會--心血管暨胸腔病人之急重症照護,台北榮民總醫院,2008.10.4 ~ 2008.10.5,
185 Aortic graft stent placement in a patient with traumatic aortic injury,中華民國急救加護醫學會第十四屆第一次會員(代表)大會暨學術研討會--心血管暨胸腔病人之急重症照護,台北榮民總醫院,2008.10.4 ~ 2008.10.5,
186 ,中華民國心臟第三十八屆年會暨學術演講會,台北市台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.10.25 ~ 2008.10.26,
187 Experience of Tornus and Rotablator Use In PAOD,中部地區心臟血管學術研討會,國軍台中總醫院,2008.5.22 ~ 2008.5.22,
188 Foreign Body Retrieval in a Cath Lab,中部地區心臟血管學術研討會,衛生署台中醫院,2008.3.27 ~ 2008.3.27,
189 Sodium-Channel SCN5A Gene P1089L and SCN1A SNP2298771 Polymorphisms Are not Associated with Dual AV Nodal Pathways in Taiwan,The 16th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology,Taipei, Taiwan,2007.12.13 ~ 2007.12.16,
190 A Case of Behcet's Disease with SVC Thrombus,The 16th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology,台灣台北,2007.12.13 ~ 2007.12.16,
191 Examination of Sex as An Independent Risk Factor for Adverse Events Following Carotid Stenting for Carotid Artery Stenosis: Acute and Long-term Follow-Up Results,7th International Course on Carotid Angioplasty and Other Cerebrovascular Interventions,Frankfurt, Germany,2007.11.29 ~ 2007.12.1,
192 CAPON Interacts With Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase To Modulate L-type Calcium Current And Action Potention In Ventricular Cardiomyocytes,美國心臟醫學會年會,美國 奧蘭多,2007.11.2 ~ 2007.11.9,
193 Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Report od Three Cases,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
194 Concomitant Circumflex Artery Dissection and Anterolateral Papillary Muscle Rupture After Blunt Chest Trauma,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
195 Prevention of Radiocontrast-induced Nephropathy After Cardiac Angiography with N-acetylcysteine in Diabetic Patients with Renal Dysfunction,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
196 Left Ventricular Pesudoaneurysm in A Patient wuth Invasive Aspergillosis: A Case Report,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
197 Coronary Spasm Detected by 64-MSCT: A Case Report,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
198 Pulmonary Emboli After Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Taiwanese wuth Protein C Deficiency-Case Report,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
199 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Congestive Heart Failure Improves Rhythm Control of Atrial Fibrillation: A Mid-Term Follow Up,中華民國重症醫學會第三屆第四次會員大會暨學術演講會,台北市三軍總醫院內湖院區,2007.10.13 ~ 2007.10.14,
200 Extremely :ate Stent Thrombosis without Antecedent Intracoronary Brachytherpay . Case Report,中部地區心臟血管學術研討會,衛生署豐原醫院九樓會議室,2007.9.27 ~ 2007.9.27,
201 CAPON, a Nitric Oxide Synthase Regulator Associated with QT Interval Variation in Humans, Modulates Cardiac Repolarzation in Ventricular Myocytes,The American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2006,Chicago, USA,2006.11.12 ~ 2006.11.12,
202 Cardiac resynchronization therapy in congestive heart failure improves rhythm control of atrial fibrillation,26th Annual Scientific Sessions,美國紐澳良,2006.5 ~ ,
203 Influence of an extensively prominent esutachian ridge on isthmus-dependent atrial flutter ablation,Heart Rhythm2006,美國波斯頓,2006.5 ~ ,
205 Prediction of faled pacemaker implantation via cephalic vein approach by pre-procedure duplex ultrasonography of cephalic vein,3rd International Congress on Cardiovascular Disease,TaiwanTaipei,2004.11 ~ ,
206 ,Heart Failure in 2004,彰化秀傳醫院,2004.5.29 ~ 2004.5.29,Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia in Heart Failure
207 Duplex ultrasonography assisted isolation of the proximal cephalic vein for pacemaker and defibrillator implantation,Heart Rhythm 2004,美國加州,2004.5 ~ ,
208 Duplex ultrasonography assisted isolation of the proximal cephalic vein for pacemaker and defibrillator implantation,Heart Rhythm 2004 The 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of NASPE-Heart Rhythm Society,美國加州,2004.5 ~ ,
209 Cardiac resynchronization therapy in congestive heart failure improves rhythm control of atrial fibrillation: a report of two cases,中部地區心臟血管學術研討會,台灣台北市,2003.10 ~ ,
210 Limitations of using endocardiac activation criteria to define isthmus block during radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter,Advanced Management of Cardiac Arrhythmia,Taipei,2003.2.16 ~ 2003.2.16,
211 Limitations of Using Endocardial Activation Criteria in Defining Isthmus Block During Radiofrequency Ablation of Typical Atrial Flutter,XII World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology,Hong Kong,2003.2.19 ~ 2003.2.22,
212 ,Mid-Taiwan Symposium on Interventional Electrophysiology,Taichung,2002.3.30 ~ 2002.3.30,Radiofrequency Ablation of Focal Atrial Tachycardia
213 Effect of Mitral Regurgitation And Aortic Regurgitation on Doppler-Derived Mitral Orifice Area in Patients With Mitral Stenosis.,The 22th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Taiwan S,NTUH, Taipei,1992.5.2 ~ 1992.5.2,